Monday, July 1, 2024

Bill Maher Foresees Trump Victory This November


Comedian and host recently predicted a “very likely” victory for former President , highlighting the strategic missteps of the in dismissing Trump supporters. Known for his sharp wit, moderate views and disdain for political correctness, Maher's insights at the Aspen Ideas Festival provided a sobering look at the political landscape.

Maher's Candid on Democratic Missteps

During a conversation with English journalist and magazine editor , Maher emphasized that the left must eventually take responsibility for contributing to the polarized state of American .

“They are aggressively anti-common sense,” Maher declared.

He elaborated on this point by criticizing the Democrats' recurring strategy of underestimating Trump's appeal.

“The Democrats keep running on this one idea, saying to the American people, ‘You can't possibly think you can do worse than Donald Trump.' And they keep saying, ‘Yes, we can. Yes, we can,'” Maher continued.

The Generational Divide

Maher touched on the generational divide within political beliefs, recounting how some of his acquaintances' children, who lean far left, criticize their parents for having “old thinking.” This reflects a broader trend where young people apply contemporary moral standards to historical figures, often leading to misrepresentations of past motivations and actions.

For instance, the debate over the Founding Fathers' ownership of slaves frequently applies modern views on slavery to historical figures, sometimes neglecting the complexities of their personal beliefs and the societal norms of their time.

Tony Webster, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The Dangers of Woke Culture

Maher warned that the left's embrace of woke culture could alienate potential voters who might otherwise be persuaded to support their cause.

“Tear down statues of Lincoln? Maybe give communism another shot? Get rid of the border patrol? Get rid of capitalism? White supremacy has never been worse? Gender is always just a social construct? It's okay to have penises in the women's swimming pool, in women's prisons? No, it's not that I'm old; it's that your ideas are stupid,” Maher poignantly noted.


Maher's observations underscore the importance of common sense and practicality in political strategy. Engaging with all voters, rather than dismissing them, could be key to avoiding a repeat of past mistakes.

Just ask Hillary Clinton.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


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