Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Search Results: Frank LaRose

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DNC To Virtually Nominate Biden Amid Ohio Ballot Debacle

Joe Biden will appear on all 50 states' ballots... On Tuesday, Democrat National Committee (DNC) Chairman Jaime Harrison announced that Democrats would hold a virtual...

Ohio AG Warns Biden May Not Appear On State Ballot

President Joe Biden is at risk of not appearing on Ohio's ballot this November. On Tuesday, Ohio Attorney General Frank LaRose (R) warned that Joe...

Ohio Lawmakers Fail To Pass Plan Allowing Joe Biden To Appear On State’s Ballot

Lawmakers in the Buckeye State have failed to find a solution on getting President Joe Biden on November's ballot. The Ohio General Assembly failed to...

Trump Tears Into Governor After Stunning Veto: ‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’

Former President Donald Trump is done supporting Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine. DeWine, a fellow Republican, made news on Friday when he vetoed a bill banning...
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Republican Accused Of Stolen Valor Set To Receive Trump’s Endorsement

After opponent's remarks leak... Despite losing a Trump-won congressional district by 13 points, J.R. Majewski is likely to win the Republican primary once again. During the...

Ohio Voters Reject State Constitutional Change Proposed By GOP Legislature

A controversial proposal to change the Ohio Constitution put forth by the Republican-dominated legislature in Columbus went down in flames last night. The proposal, colloquially...

Ohio Republican Official Launches Senate Bid

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose (R) jumped into the race for U.S. Senate on Monday. LaRose launched his campaign after months of speculation. The...

When Journalists Decide Public Record Requests Are ‘Harassment’

NowThis published an article about the harassment of local elections offices using Carroll County, Ohio’s election division as an example. The article is one of a series...
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The Key to Restoring Our Confidence in Elections

If we can enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1960’s data retention requirements, we will be able to help restore confidence in our elections. Unfortunately,...

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