Sunday, June 30, 2024

Patriot Spotlight

Congress To Investigate Alleged Biden Collusion With Antigun Lobbyists

A top congressional investigator is now looking into allegations that the Biden White House is colluding with wealthy anti-gun activists to cut off the domestic supply of firearms through...

Biden Letting Communist China Overtake US Navy To Focus On Climate Change

A key United States senator is warning Americans that Joe Biden is letting the...

Cruz Moves To Stop Biden Scheme To Outlaw Gas Cars

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on stopping...

Biden And Trump Are The Most Hated Pair Of Major Party Nominees In Polling History – Do You Agree?

The 2024 presidential may set a new record for voter apathy. Nearly 30 years of...

As Summer Approaches Biden Announces Plan To Shut Down US Power Plants

As the nation moves into summer temperatures that will see year-high electricity use, the...

New Documents Reveal Fauci Agency Assured Wuhan Lab Would Reveal No Trace Of Human Manipulation

Newly revealed documents show U.S. government officials approving taxpayer funds in April 2020 – at the height of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns – to support...

Top Fauci Deputy Ordered To Turn Over Secret Emails On COVID Origins

A top adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been ordered to turn over...

Showdown Brewing As Biden Accused Of Obstructing Impeachment Probe

In a sign impeachment efforts against President Joe Biden are heating up, the lead Republican looking into alleged impeachable offenses accuses the White House...
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White House Taken To Court Over Classified Documents Found Illegally In Biden House

A legal watchdog is taking the Biden White House to federal court to determine the extent of any threat to national security posed by...

Jordan Demands ATF Agents Answer For Gunning Down Clinton Airport Director

The chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee is demanding answers after agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives gunned down...
