Saturday, June 22, 2024

Governor Healey’s ‘New’ Immigrant Hotel Policy – Same Old Story


Don't be fooled!

I am sure you saw the news reports on how Governor has sent letters to the illegal immigrants staying in hotels at taxpayer expense telling them that time is up. If you believe the news, you would think that this liberal Democrat governor has grown a spine and is removing the illegals.

CBP Photography, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

That's not what is happening.

While they are getting a letter, their time on the taxpayers' dime is far from over!

There are a ton of easy loopholes to bypass the nine-month limit, which is the most generous length of stay in the nation. For example, the illegals can claim any medical condition they want or they can claim interference in their . The exemptions get them another nine months! Better yet for them, they can reapply after the second nine-month period.

For those not working the loopholes, Gov. Healey is moving the illegals into the HomeBase program that gives them money for rent and items necessary to furnish the apartment.  They can get as much as $30,000 of our tax dollars. They will also still receive the $64 per day for food.

It pays to be an illegal in Massachusetts.

Office of Attorney General of Massachusetts Maura Healey, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

So, to set the record straight for anyone believing the Massachusetts news, Gov. Healey has done nothing to stop the influx! She has no plan of stopping welcoming illegals into our state, because her administration has signed nine-year contracts with hotels. That's right – nine years – not nine months!

Even illegals who have had a criminal incident are getting help from Healey. Twenty-two illegals have been removed from the Healey hotels due to a criminal matter. Were they referred to the police or ICE? No way! The governor has sent them to homeless shelters.  It is reminiscent of the Catholic Church moving bad priests from church to church.

Nothing is better in Massachusetts for the taxpayers. However, all is well for the illegals.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud
Holly Robichaud first introduced herself to hundreds of thousands of readers writing for the Boston Herald in a column called the Lone Republican. She is an award-winning political consultant for races across the country and the campaign management trainer for the National Federation of Republican Women.


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