Monday, July 1, 2024

Harvard Students Shockingly Sign Thank You Card To Hamas


Accuracy in decided to test the students of Harvard on their sympathies to the “freedom fighters” of Hamas. We presented a thank you card, backed by a Palestinian and gay pride flag and asked those passing by if they would like to leave their well wishes for the members of the terrorist group Hamas.

AIM's card presenter engaged in dialogue with the signers, stating “There's so many misconceptions. People think that they're like anti-LGBTQIA and stuff.” To which the student responded that she agreed and that the term for it is “pinkwashing.”

Never mind that Hamas executed one of its own commanders for being homosexual in 2016. (RELATED: Message To LGBTQ Activists: Palestinian Society Hates You)

One student signed the card enthusiastically after hearing that “It's going to the brave men and women that are fighting in Hamas for the rights and freedom fighting.”

Another female student as she signed, asked where the card was being sent. AIM told students that Tiffany Haddish, a celebrity, would deliver it straight to for them.

Continuing as more students passed and signed the card, another individual who signed stated that while she does not have a “favorite” thing that Hamas has done, she “definitely doesn't stand with .” (RELATED: Meet The Leaders Behind Columbia University's Surge In Antisemitism)

Luckily, there were some people who refused to sign the card, a slim measure of hope, considering the amount of Ivy League students ready and willing to send their “thank you's” to rapists and murderers.

With the massive surge of antisemitic incidents, and Harvard's own president stating that calling for the genocide of Jews is not violating university policy, it becomes increasingly important to hold these campuses accountable.

This article originally appeared on Accuracy In Media. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News. Republished with permission.

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