Monday, June 24, 2024

Panama’s New President To Block Migrant Influx Via Darién Gap


ANALYSIS – For those who may not know the logistics behind the massive migrant crisis affecting the United States via our southern border with Mexico, note that the undocumented immigrants breaking into our country today are no longer mostly Mexican, or even Central American.

Many are from Africa, Asia and South America. And the U.N. and international aid groups are their facilitators.

But the one thing all these foreigners have in common is that they travel north through a narrow stretch in called the .

Half a million undocumented immigrants went through there last year.

As Todd Bensman, senior national security fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies, notes: “It's a bottleneck, so the Panamanians actually have tremendous control over the volumes of people coming through there.”

Shutting down that critical transit point would severely disrupt the flow of illegals coming to the U.S. I was hoping former President would consider that option during his next term, but having a willing partner in Panama is critical.

Well, now he will. But Trump's Panamanian partner isn't waiting for a Trump reelection.

In a surprise victory, , called the “Cinderella candidate,” was elected president of Panama on May 5 after replacing candidate and former president, Ricardo Martinelli, late in the race. And his platform included closing the Darién Gap to migrants on their way to the U.S. southern border.

He will take office on July 1 for a five-year term.

That is plenty of time to complete “operation shut the flow.” And Mulino sounds resolute in doing it.

The Epoch Times reported:

“When repatriation begins here, those who try to arrive will think twice because they will not have an easy destination because they will be transferred to their countries of origin,” Mr. Mulino said.

“At no point do I say that this will be an easy action, but it will be a firm decision, with the purpose of making it known that we are not sponsoring that [migration] here and that we are going to put a stop to it.”

One of his achievements during his earlier time as minister of the interior and justice, and later head of the public security office was to “recover” a section of the Darién Gap that “was in the hands of the narco-guerrillas” of neighboring Colombia.

Now as president Mulino will have all the power to stop the massive flow of unauthorized foreigners streaming through the treacherous jungle passage.

And though he might not wait for Trump to be inaugurated in January 2021, he is probably looking forward to it.

ET added: “Spanish media outlets reported that Mr. Mulino joked on the campaign trail about getting help with some “cement” for a wall in the Darién Gap should former President Donald Trump return to the White House.”

While the Trump campaign declined to comment, until they could first see a full English transcript of Mr. Mulino's comments, I am certain Trump would be happy to help.

Meanwhile, may have a new problem on his hands.

As Bensman notes, Mulino's promise to shut down the Darién Gap could become embarrassing for , who rescinded Trump-era policies that severely curtailed and replaced them with totally open borders.

“The thing to watch here, I think, is how the administration manages to oppose something good for America and that most Americans would love to see happen, Bensman said.

Among other policies, Panama's president-elect could expel the U.N. agencies helping push the illegals to the U.S. as well as shut down the NGO-run migrant camps in the country.

If Biden opposes Panama's efforts to shut the flow, Bensman likens the situation could look like to the ridiculous showdown between Team Biden and , over its efforts to curtail hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants crossing from Mexico. 

The Epoch Times continued:

The filed lawsuits to cut the razor wire installed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on the Texas side of the Rio Grande River meant to deter illegal immigrant crossings.

Likewise, it has sued Texas over a law allowing state lawmen to arrest and deport illegal immigrants that remains tied up in court.

Similar optics aimed at Panama's efforts to shut down the Darién Gap could prove awkward, Mr. Bensman said.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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