Monday, July 1, 2024

Woke Watch – Disgraceful Lefty Actions On ‘July 4th’ And Terrorism


ANALYSIS – More of “you can't make this up” lefty insanity – Here are two outrageous examples of how the left destroys American history and basic decency, while promoting hate and division.

One involves a major corporation's outrageous anti-Americanism. The other, a major school district's superintendent kowtowing to antisemetics and Islamists.

First, we have , the U.S.-based meat supplier that's grown to be one of the world's largest companies.

In celebration of , the unnecessarily divisive new federal holiday created by Joe in 2021, Tysons outrageously offered shirts to employees for its annual Juneteenth celebrations that cross out “July 4” as the nation's .

Juneteenth marks the day in 1865 that African Americans in learned that slavery had been abolished in the .

The Daily Wire reported:

“Juneteenth is my Independence Day,” reads one shirt offered, while another, under a crossed-out July 4 date, states, “Juneteenth 1865 because my ancestors weren't free in 1776.” Many of the shirts also incorporate the black power fist.

After The Daily Wire inquired about the shirts offered for the celebration, a source inside Tyson Foods says their office was ordered to cancel the sale and refund any employee who purchased a shirt. Days later, a spokesman for Tyson said it was “unaware of the t-shirt designs.”

“Tyson Foods was unaware of the t-shirt designs proposed by a team member,” the spokesman said. “Upon review, it was determined that the t-shirts do not meet the company's dress code policy, and they will not be sold or distributed.”

It is unclear how the shirts violate the dress code policy. The company did not respond to follow-up questions.

But this isn't the first time Tysons has been caught pushing a far-left agenda. Earlier this year it openly declared  that it wanted to hire as many illegal aliens as it could, because the illegal workers were “very, very loyal.”

This, even as it shut down a plant that employed over 1,000 legal workers in Iowa.

In a separate case of leftist insanity combined with Islamist and hate, the idiotic and spineless former superintendent of Ann Arbor Public Schools (AAPS) removed the word “terrorist” from a statement about the horrific October 7, 2023, Hamas terror attack on after a few members of the school community pressured her.

National Review noted that:

Superintendent Jeanice Swift sent out a district-wide email on October 11, 2023, with a statement titled “AAPS Statement on Terrorist Attacks in Israel” that read, “We are devastated by the terrorist attacks in Israel, and we are heartbroken to hear of the loss of life occurring over recent days in both Israel and Gaza.” Days later, after community backlash over the initial statement, she amended the statement, removing the word “terrorist” to describe Hamas.

One member of the community told Swift in an email that her original statement was “inappropriate,” and said, “What about the Muslim families… I don't support Israel I don't appreciate receiving this email… Do better!!!” Another person, who claimed to be a student, told the superintendent via email that he was “deeply disappointed and disrespected by [her] use of words regarding this email. You claim that ‘Isreal' [sic] is under ‘terrorist attacks' while Palestinians have endured decades of killing from these people.”

In response to both emails, Swift said that she was “deeply sorry for sharing words that made you feel disrespected and disappointed. Following the feedback you shared with me on Wednesday, I amended the Superintendent Statement to omit the use of the word ‘terrorist,' both in the title and in the opening sentence of the message . . . I am grateful for your outreach to me, and will take more care with the choice of words in any future messages.”

Erika Sanzi, PDE's director of outreach for Parents Defending  (PDE) the watchdog group that obtained the incriminating emails noted that: “It shows a complete lack of leadership and moral clarity when a school superintendent apologizes for using the word ‘terrorist' to describe the massacre of October 7 and then amends the statement by omitting the word,” said.

“She let the bullies on her staff win and there is no excuse for that.”

Swift resigned in September 2023 (due to a prior, unrelated scandal) and was allowed to serve as superintendent until the district hired a replacement, or until the end of October 2023.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


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