Saturday, June 22, 2024

FBI Fed Info To Congressional Dems On Whistleblowers Ahead Of Hearing On Political Weaponization Of FBI


New documents reveal that, ahead of a hearing in which whistleblowers would testify on the Federal Bureau of Investigation's alleged use as a partisan political weapon, officials fed congressional Democrats information on the whistleblowers.

The nonprofit public interest law form announced it received 54 pages of records from the in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit which “show the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) provided a Democrat staffer with information on FBI whistleblowers who detailed the bureau's targeting of political opponents and retaliation for their testifying at a May 18, 2023, hearing of the House .”

“These troubling records show how the FBI colluded with Democrats hostile to FBI whistleblowers who were set to testify to Congress,” said Judicial Watch President .

Judicial Watch reports “a May 23, 2023, email from Damon Marx, senior counsel in the office of Democrat Rep. , shows that the FBI provided documents apparently pertaining to the whistleblowers that were ‘very helpful' to Goldman.”

In the email Marx tells an FBI Office of Congressional Affairs (OCA) official, whose name was redacted:

We spoke last week before the Weaponization hearing on Thursday. Thanks again for sending over those documents. They were very helpful to the Congressman.

Francesco (my colleague cc'ed here) and I will be good points of contact for you going forward. Both of us broadly cover ; however, in terms of specifics, I cover cybersecurity, counterterrorism, and much of the Congressman's committee work, while Francesco covers issues ranging from immigration to gun violence.

We would love to meet in person next time you have the chance. Please let us know when you're available for coffee or just to swing by the office. And don't hesitate to reach out on any other matters!

Judicial Watch reports “the CC'd colleague is Francesco Arreaga, then a Democrat staffer on the House Homeland Security Committee and former campaign staffer.

According to JW, a May 18, 2023, a hearing by the House Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government found:

It is clear from these disclosures, and especially in wake of Special Counsel John Durham's report, that the FBI has become politically weaponized.

To date, the Committee and Select Subcommittee have received whistleblower testimony from several current and former FBI employees who chose to risk their careers to expose abuses and misconduct in the FBI. Some of these employees—Special Agents Garret O'Boyle and Stephen Friend, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst George Hill, and Staff Operations Specialist Marcus Allen—have chosen to speak on the record about their experiences.

In that hearing Allen “was questioned about his suspension for forwarding news articles criticizing the FBI's handling of the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the U.S. Capitol, even though it was his job to monitor public perception of the FBI, testifying:

Q. And why exactly did you send th[e] email[s]?

A. I sent [the emails] just for awareness because the[y] . . . indicated potential problems with the investigation as far as informants were concerned, and our organization's potential forthrightness about the utilization of informants there on that day. That might have some impact on our cases and the subjects that we're looking up, and just a general awareness overall for the investigation as a whole, that there might have been some kind of potential Federal involvement with the activities on January 6th, and I thought it was important enough that it like warranted our attention, you know.

Q. Is it safe to say that you sending th[ose] email[s] was part of your job at the time?

A. Yes.

According to JW, the Committee explained that “[b]ecause these open-source articles questioned the FBI's handling of the violence at the Capitol, the FBI suspended Allen for ‘conspiratorial views in regards to the events of January 6th . . . .'”

“The day before the hearing, the FBI revoked the security clearances of three agents who testified, Steve Friend, Garret O'Boyle, and Marcus Allen, according to a letter the bureau sent to congressional investigators and obtained by ABC News. Allen's clearance was recently reinstated,” JW notes.

The records uncoverd by include a May 16, 2023, email to an FBI OCA official, whose name is redacted, from Marx, who writes:

It's my understanding that you're out this week, but if you have a moment to chat about some of the witnesses for Thursday's Weaponization hearing, it would be super helpful. Please let me know if you're available tomorrow when you have a chance.

The FBI OCA official responds:

Sure, give me a call when you can.

JW further notes that in “a May 9, 2023, email to Goldman's then-Deputy Chief of Staff and Legislative Director Erin Meegan, an FBI OCA official whose name is redacted writes:

I was disappointed I didn't get the opportunity to meet you during our trip to Quantico. We are planning to take another trip there, maybe later this summer, so hopefully you'll be able to join us then. I serve as [redacted]. OCA plays a key role in communicating with lawmakers and their staffers about FBI activities and is the primary point of contact for all Congressional matters.

I would like an opportunity to meet with you to properly introduce myself and tell you more about the mission of OCA, along with providing information about what OCA can offer your office. I would also like to know what issues Rep. Goldman and your office are interested in to see if there is any way I can assist in those areas. Additionally, based on my background, I think I may be able to provide insight or answer some questions about issues that do not require senior FBI leadership briefings or hearings.

JW reports:

(JW's) October 2023 lawsuit that uncovered these documents was filed after the Justice Department failed to respond to a May 18, 2023, FOIA request (Judicial Watch, Inc. v. U.S. (No. 1:23-cv-03003)). Judicial Watch asked for:

All records of communication between any official or employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and any member of the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, any staff member for the subcommittee, or any staff member for any subcommittee member between April 1, 2023, and the present.For purposes of clarification, in the request, Judicial Watch provided the following link, which identified the members of the committee:

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson
Donny Ferguson is a professional fundraiser and organizational manager. Born and raised in Texas, he has lived in Washington, D.C. for 16 years. Ferguson also served as Senior Communications and Policy Adviser in the United States House of Representatives, operating one of Capitol Hill's most effective media operations.


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