Monday, July 1, 2024

Leftist Violence At DNC Convention In Chicago Will Help Trump


ANALYSIS – History repeats itself. And hopefully it will help elect in the process. Echoing the disastrous 1968 Democratic National Convention () in the Windy City, this upcoming Democrat convention in is likely to be just as violent and with many of the same leftist rioters.

The “March on the DNC” coalition, which is organizing the Chicago , claims it “fights for the rights and liberation of oppressed people and against the exploitation of workers,” according to their website.

And like the communist-led riots at that convention over 50 years ago helped elect Richard Nixon in ‘68, these expected riots should help Trump win in ‘24. (RELATED: Anti-Trumpers Caused Delays In Sending DC Guard To J6 Capitol Riot)

This election year's Democrat convention in Chicago will be held in August. And it will be hot in many ways. Instead of Vietnam and race being the catalysts for violence, this year it is Gaza, and maybe race, too (expect anti- BLM supporters to join the fray).

As the “March on the DNC” website clearly shows, it is a hodgepodge of leftist socialist ideas and talking points. It posts:

We recognize the as a tool of billionaires and corporations.

Their actions, such as financing genocide in Palestine and war in multiple countries; continuing the mass incarceration of Black and brown people; deporting millions of immigrants; and neglecting campaign promises made to the oppressed communities who represent their voting base, show that the Democratic Party only serves the agenda of the rich and powerful.

And they are now using 's war against Hamas terrorists in Gaza to their socialist claptrap. As the Daily Caller reported:

Over 70 organizations have joined a coalition called “March on the DNC” and plan to protest President for being “complicit in the genocide” of Palestinians, a spokesperson for the group told Time Magazine. Despite the federal government granting $75 million to the city for security measures, Democratic Chicago Alderman Raymond Lopez told the Daily Caller that the incoming gatherings are “raising some serious concerns.”

“Individuals are not coming here to peacefully protest. They're coming here so that they can take home the badge of honor being pelted by a police officer's weapon, or some sort of mark of shame to take home and say, ‘Look, this is my bruise. This is my broken arm. This is my cracked head from Chicago because I was there fighting and leading the resistance,'” Lopez said.

“When you have Democratic Socialist members of the city council and other individuals openly advocating for people to organize without permits, to organize protests and counter protests and to be prepared to make this greater than 1968, which was one of the darkest chapters in our city's history, politically, we have to be prepared for anything.”

All this sounds amazingly similar to what the left did in '68.

Back then, police and protesters clashed in Chicago as tens of thousands of demonstrators swept the city's streets to protest the Vietnam War. History described the scene then as “unrestrained bloodshed and chaos.” (RELATED: Biden Gets An Earful From Fox News After Embarrassing Vietnam Presser)

Various sources note that upwards of 10,000 demonstrators gathered in Chicago for the '68 convention, where they were met by roughly 23,000 police and National Guardsmen. Back then the protesters started by chanting “hell no, we won't go.” But that was soon followed by: “Kill, kill, kill!” and “Pigs are whores!”

Wikipedia, using credible sources, adds that:

After four days and nights of violence, 668 people had been arrested, 425 demonstrators were treated at temporary medical facilities, 200 were treated on the spot, 400 given first aid for tear gas exposure and 110 went to hospital. A total of 192 police officers were injured.

After the Chicago protests, some demonstrators believed the majority of Americans would side with them over what had happened in Chicago, especially because of police behavior. The controversy over the war in Vietnam overshadowed their cause. Daley shared he had received 135,000 letters supporting his actions and only 5,000 condemning them. Public polls demonstrated that the majority of Americans supported the mayor's tactics. It was often commented through the popular that on that evening, America decided to vote for Richard Nixon.

Let's hope history repeats itself the same way this year.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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