Saturday, June 29, 2024

Message To Liberal Activists: Palestinian Society Hates You


ANALYSIS – As moves along, we need to send a message to the far-left “liberators” of who promote Hamas terrorists and bash Israel. And the message is simple. (RELATED: White House Surrounded By Anti-Israel Protesters)

Newsflash: you are not wanted there.

In America, we allow adults (not vulnerable children or those under legal age) to be whatever they want to be and live however they want.

We have laws protecting minority communities.

Not so for most Muslim countries, and especially not true for the Palestinian territories, home to Hamas.

As Gregory Angelo notes in Fox News Digital: “…a common refrain has emerged among Queers for Palestine activists when confronted with the Gaza status quo: It's just as bad for queer people in the United States as it is over there.” He adds: “No, it's not.”

Angelo continues to explain some key facts and provide some examples of how Palestinians treat LGBT folks:

The Palestinian territories are the eighth-worst place in the world for  rights, ranking 190 out of 197 on the Equaldex list of most LGBT-friendly countries in the world.

Never mind the fact that Palestinians don't recognize same-sex marriage, nondiscrimination in employment, and refuse to investigate hate crimes against gay and transgender people – in the territories, gay sexual activity carries a sentence of 10 years in prison.

It can also cost you your life. In 2022, Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, a gay Palestinian who had been receiving death threats because of his sexual orientation, was found beheaded. In the Palestinian territories, no LGBTQ person is safe – not even at the highest levels of the military.

In 2016, commander Mahmoud Ishtiwi, whose family was considered “Hamas royalty” for harboring Palestinian leaders wanted by Israel, was done in by men in his own battalion. The that earned him three bullets in the chest? “Moral turpitude” (Hamas legalese for “homosexuality”).

So much for Palestinian solidarity with the extreme left. The fact is if they were in Palestinian territories, activists would also likely be beaten, thrown off a roof or worse.

And don't bother having a Pride parade or protest. In 2019, the less extreme counterpart to Hamas, the Palestinian Authority (PA) banned LGBTQ public events, stating that such activities are “harmful to the higher values and ideals of Palestinian society.”

But you don't need to go to Palestine to get a glimpse of how some of the more ardent Hamas supporters feel about the LGBT community. Despite the creation of a new 2024 edition of the now-annually revised LGBTQ Pride Flag that prominently displays the Palestinian colors, Islamist activists don't really care. At an October rally in London, for example, an LGBTQ flag was violently torn down by demonstrators.

There have also been incidents in the U.S. of Pride revelers being harassed and confronted by the jihadist element on the left. But what's most bizarre, LGBT Pride activists being confronted by Hamas-loving LGBT activists, who also blocked the Pride parade. (RELATED: Iranian Regime Thanks US College Students For Supporting Hamas)

The Daily Mail reported on June 2:

In one of many videos posted online documenting the incident, a wave of Pride marchers in colorful outfits banging on drums were halted along their parade route by a group of pro-Palestinian members of the LGBTQ+ community.

It added:

The protest was executed by Queers4Palestine, a minority faction within the queer community who have been extremely vocal these last eight months about the intersection of what they believe is the structural oppression of Palestinians and the historic prejudice faced by their community.

Meanwhile, the outlet continued:

Conservative commentator Clay Travis broke down the situation by saying: ‘Pro Palestine protesters blocking the Philly pride parade from continuing is a perfect distillation of left-wing . This is where it inevitably ends: with two left wing interest groups colliding in an oppression Olympics standoff.'

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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