Wednesday, July 3, 2024

US Expands Military Ties With Allies In Pacific To Face China


MONDAY – Naval war games partnership in Hawaii features 29 countries. The biennial Rim of the Pacific Exercise, the world's largest recurring naval warfare exercise, kicked off in Hawaii this week as warships, aircraft and personnel gathered in the islands.

As North Korean and Chinese threats rise, US looks to lock in defense partnerships with Asian allies. The U.S. wrapped up its first multidomain exercise with Japan and South Korea in the East China Sea on Saturday.

Japan will deploy mobile radar site on Kita Daito Island in the Philippine Sea, US Marines test attack helicopter in anti-surface role. This, to expand Japan's capabilities in the area. 

Meanwhile, the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit held a live fire exercise on Wednesday as the Russian Navy Pacific Fleet wrapped up drills with the joint command of forces in the Russian north-east.

The future of missile defense in the Pacific. A top commander talks about the evolution of missile defense in the Pacific theater as the Pentagon looks to broadly expand capabilities there.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here's a roundup of today's other top defense

stories from conservative national security expert PAUL CRESPO.

Not the President's Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL'S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB:


Air Force veteran in Florida accused of disclosing classified data on aircraft, weapons in latest military leak case.


RIDICULOUS – Navajo corporal becomes first Marine authorized to wear traditional Native hair. Cpl. Bradford Flores is honoring his culture by growing his hair out — and the Marine Corps authorized it. WILL HE CARRY A TOMAHAWK, TOO?

House passes 2025 defense spending bill amid F-35, submarine purchase spats. It passed 217-198, with appropriators rebuffing intense bipartisan pressure from their colleagues over attack submarine and stealth fighter purchases.

U.S. President delivers the 2011 State of the Union Address to a joint session of the Congress. [Photo Credit: Lawrence Jackson (Executive Office of the President of the United States), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons]

Two-star Air Force general found not guilty of sexual assault, guilty on other charges. But Maj. Gen. Phillip Stewart was convicted of conduct unbecoming of an officer and dereliction of duty.


Israel and Hezbollah lurch closer to war. North Israel is a series of ghost towns — abandoned houses and scorched forests from missiles. Parts of south have been hit so hard by Israeli bombs that they've been reduced to rubble. Tens of thousands of residents have been driven from homes on both sides.

CLOWN SHOW – US removes Gaza aid pier again due to weather and may not reinstall it. The U.S. is considering not reinstalling it unless the aid begins flowing out into the population again.

This is how the US-built pier to bring aid to Gaza has worked — or not. It's been a long and difficult road for the pier, which has been battered by weather and troubled by security problems. Here's a look at how it started and where it is now.

The US can improve Egypt's security at minimal expense. It should do so, post-haste. America's ally Egypt is struggling to contain the combat of the Gaza war on its eastern border, while dealing with popular opinion which is horrified by the scale of destruction in Gaza yet fearful that the Gazan population will be “relocated” into Egypt.


Amphibious assault ship USS Wasp, Marines enter Mediterranean amid Israel-Hezbollah tensions. This, as the U.S. positions warships to try to keep fighting between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon from escalating into a wider war in the Middle East.

Several US military bases in Europe on heightened alert amid possible terrorist threat. The level of force protection was raised to its second-highest state.

Marines sink moving vessel at sea with new missile in Pacific training. A Marine helicopter crew sank a moving training vessel near Okinawa, Japan, using a newly acquired “fire and forget” missile for the first time in the Indo-Pacific region.

US Central Command to demo integrated counter drone sensors this fall. It is planning a set of exercises aimed at filling key gaps in its counter-drone capability in the Middle East

USNS Burlington departing July 3 for Continuing Promise mission in Caribbean. The humanitarian mission sees Navy sailors, medical professionals and civilians provide medical care for communities in need, while also building partnerships. The Navy will visit Jamaica, Costa Rica, Honduras, Colombia and Panama.


ACTUALLY – IT MIGHT BE – War with China not inevitable, Taiwan government officials say. While Chinese military aircraft and ships cross the median line of the Taiwan Strait every day in a growing campaign of harassment, the island does not see war with China as inevitable or unavoidable., CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

China is turning to private firms for offensive cyber operations. Recent leaks and other revelations about Beijing's use of hacking companies are shedding light on how privatization with Chinese characteristics is changing the government's intelligence operations.


UTTER BIDEN FAILURE – US struggles to deter Houthi threat as crisis spirals. After half a year of conflict, the Yemeni fighters continue to sink commercial boats and disrupt global trade, posing an increasingly difficult challenge for the far larger American military.


Russia warns of possible response to US drone flights over Black Sea. Moscow may take forceful action to ward off the American reconnaissance aircraft.

Research expert tells UN it has ‘irrefutably' established ballistic missile debris in Ukraine is North Korean.

Zelenskyy appeals to West to relax targeting limits for Ukraine as glide bombs hammer front line. Drone footage from Ukraine's military released Sunday has shown what appears to be bodies in a civilian area in the embattled eastern town of Toretsk, which has come under heavy Russian bombardment in recent days.

HOWEVER – Russia's devastating glide bombs keep falling on its own territory. This, likely due to faulty guidance systems.


North Korea launches two ballistic missiles off its east coast. One of them possibly flew abnormally. This, a day after the North vowed “offensive and overwhelming” responses to a new U.S. military drill with South Korea and Japan.


How Worried Should We Be about Starliner's Stranded Astronauts?  Technical glitches with the spacecraft have left two NASA astronauts, Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams, in limbo onboard the International Space Station (ISS).

Space Force working with SpaceX to closely watch falling Starlinks. The two will closely monitor the company's thousands of satellites as they lower their orbits and subsequently reenter the Earth's atmosphere at the end of their lives — hopefully burning up, rather than raining bits and pieces down into the ocean or on somebody's house.


A decade after the Islamic State group declared a caliphate in major parts of Iraq and Syria, and was defeated in great part thanks to Trump, it remains lethal. The terrorist savages no longer control any land, have lost many prominent leaders and are mostly out of the world news headlines.

GENDER EQUALITY – Suspected female suicide bombers kill at least 18 in Nigeria.

Looting and fighting reported in a central Sudan city as paramilitaries attack military troops. They also took over the main hospital in a central city. All of this, forcing tens of thousands to flee, as a new front opened in the 14-month civil war that has pushed the African country to the brink of famine.

Construction begins on new fleet of warships for Royal Canadian Navy. The vessels are expected to be operational by 2035.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


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