Monday, July 1, 2024

Rutgers Students Share Their Views on Hamas: Video


has again conducted a shocking social experiment, to expose the on college campuses.

This time, students at in New Jersey signed a thank you card addressed to Hamas, the terrorist organization that killed 1,200 Israelis on October 7.

Students smiled as the card holder, flanked by a gay pride flag and a Palestinian flag, asked them to sign the card for the “freedom fighters.”

In an effort to entice more signatures and test the factual knowledge of students' beliefs about Hamas' ideology, we told students that the terrorist group was “75% gay” and that “men are just afraid to admit Hamas is gay.”

One student proudly signed, stating, “F*** .” Another said her favorite thing about Hamas was that they are “helping their country.”

However, several students were rightly shocked by the request to sign the card. A student riding by on a bicycle questioned our card holder asking if the card was for or against Hamas. After hearing it was pro-Hamas the student was hesitant, and did not want to sign the card citing the October 7 attacks and the rape and murder of women and children.

Another male student declined stating in regards to Hamas, “They're terrorists.”

One female student was so bewildered she guessed rightly that this was a joke and they were being filmed.

“I do not trust you,” she said. “I think you're lying. I would not be surprised if you're filming.”

At the end of the day the card was full of well-wishes for the members of Hamas. This is a frightening reality Jewish students face on campuses across America. Because school officials will not hold these antisemitic students accountable, will.

This article originally appeared on Accuracy in Media. Republished with permission.

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