Saturday, June 22, 2024

Supreme Court Unanimously Sides With NRA In Free Speech Ruling


The has handed down a unanimous decision in favor of the in a free speech showdown with a former financial regulator.

Thursday's ruling paves the way for the group to pursue its lawsuit against , who previously oversaw the New York Department of Financial Services.

The Hill reports:

Vullo began investigating the NRA in 2017, and the probe led her to encourage insurers and banks she regulated to sever ties with the gun rights group.

The NRA contended those steps went beyond permissible advocacy and crossed into unconstitutional government coercion, and Thursday's decision enables the case, which is still in a preliminary stage, to move forward in a lower court.

“Vullo was free to criticize the NRA and pursue the conceded violations of New York insurance law,” Sotomayor wrote.

“She could not wield her power, however, to threaten enforcement actions against DFS-regulated entities in order to punish or suppress the NRA's gun-promotion advocacy,” the opinion continued. “Because the complaint plausibly alleges that Vullo did just that, the Court holds that the NRA stated a First Amendment violation.”

Justice delivered the unanimous opinion. You can read it in its entirety below:

This is a story. Please check back for updates.

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