Monday, July 1, 2024

Names Of Antisemitic Protestors At Top California College Revealed


It is finally possible to see who was arrested at the University of , Irvine. In April, several hundred protesters at UC Irvine entered the Physical Sciences Lecture Hall on campus and surrounded the building. Forty-eight of them were arrested, primarily for failure to disperse.

The university reportedly suspended several student protesters, and UC Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman responded to the escalation:

After weeks when the encampers assured our community that they were committed to maintaining a peaceful and nondisruptive encampment, it was terrible to see that they would dramatically alter the situation in a way that was a direct assault on the rights of other students and the university mission.

The latest campus-specific and systemwide demands made by our encampers and their counterparts across the University of California attempted to dictate that anyone who disagreed with them must conform to their opinions.”

But students were not the only ones arrested. As the story was:

UC Irvine: 40% of those arrested at pro-Palestinian protest were not students, school says

If this wasn't students protesting, who was it?

In all, 47 people [ed note: public records provided 48 names] were arrested after failing to disperse. Two people who were taken into custody identified themselves as UCI faculty members, 19 were non-affiliates and 26 were students.

Ah, so outside agitators were a part of the event. That faculty members were — allegedly – breaking the law is also appalling.

A freedom of information request has now produced the actual list of those arrested. Some things we're not told, like the communications between the college and the . This is “tactical information and strategy” that no one is allowed to know about.

But now, the names of those arrested can be seen here, obtained through a request with the UC Irvine Public Records Office. They are also as follows:

Hasna Aini
Arveen Alaeddini
Ahmad Alamour
Mohammad Alamour
Malik Alrefai
Rami Anabtawi
Tariq Assfour
Zayd Aweinat
Miriam Castro
Michael Chang
Yaritza Cortez
Clark Dao
Andrew Jayden De La Cruz-Caccam
Daniela Fernandez
Kevyn Garcia
Callista Gill
Amy Gilmore
Mark Gradoni
Kayla Rose Grassbaugh
Omar Ashraf Habbak
Hanni Habbas
Jonathan Haley
Lubna Hammad
Yasmeen Monther Hassan
Jacob Hernandez
Adel Shaker Hijazi
Ashley Michelle Hormaza
Donavion Huskey
Theodoros Kapogianis
Faran Ahmad Kharal
Alex Kim
Zain Mahmood
Glory Ann Mendoza
Angie Monreal
Caroline Mooney
Salma Nasoordeen
Julie Nicole Nguyen
Johansen Pico
Savannah Plaskon
Marah Quran
Camryn Robinson
Jaelynn Valez
Annika Vinekar
Tiffany Willoughby-Herard
Jemin Yoo
Nikita Yu
Fatana Zadran
Manda Zhu

About half of these are indeed students. But who are the rest?

And what does that say about the spontaneous and student-led nature of those antisemitic ?

Going back to what actually happened on campus:

Hundreds of police officers in riot gear launched a crackdown on a pro-Palestinian demonstration on Wednesday at the University of California, Irvine, arresting 50 people and threatening students and faculty with batons and munitions.

Well, a demonstration perhaps, but perhaps more than that:

The administration ordered students to stay away from the Physical Sciences Quad, the location of a pro-Palestinian encampment, after several hundred protesters entered the lecture hall at about 2 p.m., according to UC Irvine. The demonstrators then surrounded the building.

A UC Irvine spokesperson described the protest as “violent” but could not elaborate on the type of violence.

Violence is not peaceful protest.

Now that we – finally – know who it might be possible to work out how much of this was those outside agitators — and which students and professors were allegedly responsible for escalating tensions on campus. Which really isn't “student protest” in just the same sense that violence isn't peaceful protest.

This article first appeared in Accuracy in . It is republished with permission.


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