Sunday, June 30, 2024

Renowned Hedge Fund Manager Stirs Speculation On Biden’s Future


Prominent hedge fund manager took to X (formerly Twitter) to share an intriguing piece of scuttlebutt: he heard that former President and former White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain will have a sit-down with President today. This supposed revelation adds yet another layer to the ongoing discussions about Biden's political future.

Jill Biden's Determination and ' Frustration

According to Kass, First Lady Jill Biden is adamant that Biden runs for reelection. In contrast, Vice President Kamala Harris is reportedly furious about not being considered as a replacement candidate, while Governors of Michigan and Gavin Newsom of are in the conversation. (RELATED: Biden's Debate Blunders Were Bad, Jill's Actions Were Worse)

A Key Event to Watch: Saturday's East Hampton Fundraiser

Kass noted that his neighbor in East Hampton, New York, is hosting the Bidens tomorrow. He highlighted that it will be significant if the fundraiser is canceled last minute, implying that such a move could indicate a shifts in Biden's reelection plans.

Unverified but Noteworthy Claims

While Kass' claims have yet to be corroborated, his status as a wildly successfully hedge fund manager with connections to the upper echelons of power lends weight to his statements.

Millions of Democrats, who believed the narrative that Biden was in top form, are now scrambling to reassess the situation after Thursday night's debate. (RELATED: Report: CNN Facing Upwards Of $1 Billion Payment In Defamation)

and Political Reactions

On Friday morning, three New York Times columns were published in quick succession, urging Biden to reconsider his options.

Around the same time, David Axelrod, the chief strategist for Obama's presidential campaigns, was seen nodding in agreement on as Scott Jennings compared Biden's struggling campaign to the Titanic's maiden voyage. Jennings expressed deep concern about Biden's fitness for office and the potential consequences for the Democratic Party.

“I don't think they're [Democrats] going to replace him [Biden]. I was thinking, I didn't sleep much last night because I'm so worried about the president,” Jennings began. He criticized the misleading information provided by the White House regarding Biden's fitness.

Jennings then dove head first with the grim historical analogy: “I was staying up overnight thinking about the movie ‘Titanic' and specifically the string quartet that was playing on the deck. They're going to ride it out, and they're going to play the music, the people around him, and this ship is going to sink, and they're going to have no one to blame for coming back but themselves. It is squarely on their shoulders.”

Willy Stöwer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Axelrod, nodding throughout, added that John Williams' score from “Jaws” might be more fitting. He continued, “This is something he needs to consider and those around him need to consider: What does he want his legacy to be? He has a record he's proud of, I think justifiably so. He did save the country back in 2020 from Trump, and we saw what happened in the aftermath that underscored how important that was. But the question is: If he then becomes a vehicle by which a very unpopular Donald Trump, who, by the way, did not do particularly well last night, becomes president again, what does that do to his legacy?”


As discussions about Biden's capabilities persist in the coming hours and days, we will closely monitor the actions and decisions of important Democratic figures.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


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