Thursday, May 16, 2024

Radical Army Secretary Doesn’t Want White Men From ‘Patriot’ Families


ANALYSIS – In one of my earlier PDBs I asked if the Pentagon's ‘wokeness' was a deliberate effort to keep straight, white Christian males from joining the military. Of course, I knew the answer was ‘yes.'

I even said, “this may be the left's goal – to deliberately alienate [straight] white Christian men from joining, so they can expand efforts to recruit non-religious, non-white, woke LGBT lefties instead.”

But now 's Army Secretary, , a lefty civilian bureaucrat who never served a day in uniform, is saying the quiet part out loud. And she is going even further. Much further. (RELATED: Controversial Military Commander Dies Shockingly – Was It A Huge Mistake?)

Wormuth doesn't just want to alienate white Christian men, so they won't join, she specifically wants to keep out recruits from what I call ‘patriot families' – those who have a history of serving our country going back up to seven generations.

Most of these patriot family recruits would be white Christian men. Many of them are from the South.

Since the end of the draft in 1973 at the close of the Vietnam War, notes The Wall Street Journal, the Army has relied “heavily on veterans and military families to develop the next generation of recruits, especially in the region known in the military as the ‘Southern Smile,' a curving region from the mid-Atlantic and down across the southern U.S.”

But we now also have multi-generational Hispanic service members and a few others. The children of all these military families make up most new recruits in the U.S. military. 

The Journal added:

Today, nearly 80% of all new Army recruits have a family member who has served in uniform, according to the service. That can be a good thing, said Col. Mark Crow, director of the Office of Economic and Manpower Analysis at West Point, because “people who know the most about it stick around.”

But to the far-left Democrats, including Wormuth, all these patriots are dangerous and must be purged from our fighting forces. That's what the Pentagon's wokeness is really about. (RELATED: California To Force Residents To Comply With Radical Green Energy Scheme)

As The Wall Street Journal reported:

Depending too much on military families could create a “warrior caste,” Wormuth said. Her plans seek to draw in people who have no real connection to the military and to broaden the appeal of service.

What does that nonsense mean in real terms?

Well, Daniel Greenfield says it very well in FrontPage Magazine:

There is a ‘warrior caste' insofar as you have families who have fought for this country since the War of Independence. They showed up, they bled, and now they're to be replaced by drag queens and identity politics quotas.

And Wormuth's radical plan to replace our ‘warrior caste' is being finalized. 

According to the WSJ, “Wormuth said she expects within weeks to begin drafting a proposal for a recruiting overhaul so sweeping that might need to pass legislation to enact all of it.”

While not going into details, Wormuth has stated that: “The Army is strategically deploying recruiters to communities across the country based on demographics, ethnicity, race, and gender.”

How does this translate into policy?

Greenfield writes in another FrontPage piece that: “Rather than getting the best people or even adequately qualified people, the goal is to match the force to the census data in a completely senseless exercise so that the people they do get are 20% black, 7.2% Asian, and 0.6% American Indian, or develop a plan to get those Asians.”

He adds:

That's what deciding that the military should “look like America” really means in the ranks. You can't have too many white men, but too many black men could also become a problem. If the goal is to match the census, then you can't have too few minorities or too many. Come on in Jiang, we haven't met our Chinese quota yet, sorry Jose, we have too many Hispanics already.

But as the Pentagon's annual June Pride festivities highlight, it's not just about racial quotas, it's also about sexual identity politics. Greenfield concludes:

Who needs a few good men when you can have a few good trans-men of color? And who cares if they speak English? No Habla Ingles? No problemo! Having HIV  is not a problem. Being from an enemy nation is not a problem. Being a man who believes he's a woman is not a problem.

Being white, especially a heterosexual male, is a very big problem. We need a military that looks like America and white heterosexual men look nothing like America.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. Where does this non-military Secretary believe fighting men & women come from?
    Does she really expect all the other people in America are going to stand up and be counted. Crazy!

  2. Get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye. Anyone left on the west coast will be speaking Chinese, the east coast Russian. If Texas is smart it will leave the union, reclaim all its original land and become the great nation it is destined to be.

  3. The main effect of this is likely to be a reduction in size of our military. When you discourage or exclude traditional multi-generational families you rapidly run out of those willing to serve. Worse yet, the few you successfully attract are likely incapable of serving effectively. Our casualty rates will go up and we don’t have to be in a war to do this. Most of our in-service casualties are behind the lines in training and operations.This idiot is going to blend in well in the current administration which is largely an ineffective freak show. And that’s the upside.

  4. I think they’re worried that if a civil war kicks off, there will be many in the military who would join the patriots. So they’re doing everything they can to limit the number of American patriots in the military. Of course that will also severely weaken our military.

  5. Sounds like Christine Wormuth is to our military just like Alissa Heinerscheid was to Anheuser-Busch.

    Wonder if those two are related?

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