Friday, May 17, 2024

Hamas Terrorists Used ‘Jihad Drug’ When They Mass Murdered Israelis


ANALYSIS – Even hardened combat soldiers and war correspondents were horrified by the mass brutality and savagery terrorists exhibited while butchering entire Israeli families on October 7, including pregnant women, the elderly, small children and babies.

Even worse was the apparent glee they exhibited while conducting the murders.

Many of the victims were tortured, burned, blown to bits and, in at least some cases, raped and decapitated. In some cases, the terrorists called home to joyfully brag to their parents how they had tortured and murdered innocent civilian Jews.

Some observers still can't fathom how anyone can deliberately do all that to other innocent human beings. But Nazis did that and much more to millions of Jews, and ISIS terrorists have done that to countless civilians, including to fellow Muslims.

Not to mention other horrific and deliberate mass murder of civilians in Africa, Cambodia, Communist China and the Soviet Union.

There is still no way to justify what these savages did. And a lot of it has to do with the Jihadist ideology and society they have been raised in. 

By dehumanizing Israelis and Jews, or any infidel, they can slaughter them like animals.

But in this case, Hamas terrorists may have had an added boost to their savagery – they were high on a synthetic known as the ‘Jihad Drug.'

Semafor reports that:

Some of the Hamas militants who attacked southern on October 7 were fueled by a synthetic amphetamine called Captagon, which U.S. and Israeli officials believe was used to suppress fear and anxiety during the rampage and stimulate their willingness to attack, kill and, in some cases, torture, civilians.

Israel's government has been reluctant to highlight Hamas' use of Captagon due to fears it could diminish calls for the Palestinian organization to be held accountable for its crimes, and Israeli and U.S. officials had — until now — declined to confirm the early report on Israel's Channel 12 on Hamas' use of Captagon.

Israeli officials have circulated videos and battle plans associated with Hamas' attack to underscore their premeditated nature. “It's the ideology” that should be focused on with Hamas, rather than the use of Captagon,” an Israeli official told Semafor.

And that is understandable. Taking this ‘Jihad Drug' intentionally to make you more willing and able to brutally murder civilians doesn't make any difference. It only highlights what their ideology promotes and how willing these savages are to enhance their bloodthirstiness.

Still, it's worth understanding the drug and its use by Islamist terrorists.

As USA Today reported:

For years, Captagon has been a staple among Islamic State fighters, especially in Iraq and Syria, because it gives them almost superhuman powers − including the ability to stay awake, calm and focused for days on end without food, said Carmit Valensi, a narcoterrorism expert and former senior adviser in Israel's Intelligence corps.

‘It also helped them to eliminate fear and hunger, which is very important when you are conducting a long fight,” said Valensi, who was also a counterterrorism analyst at the IDF's Dado Center for Interdisciplinary Military Studies and is now at Israel's Institute for National Security Studies.

The Israeli security officials said in interviews that Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist group, has discovered Captagon as an organization as well.

“We know Hamas uses this drug,” one of the officials said. “It's not new to us.”

Valensi added:

It's still early and we are still trying to validate this information. But I have to say personally that it makes sense that the terrorists were acting under the influence of these drugs. Otherwise, for me as a human being, it's really hard to explain the brutality, the level of cruelty that they demonstrated, and the long duration of this operation led by those terrorists and the atrocities that they committed there.

Maybe. But it's just a small part of their horror show. There's a reason they call it the ‘Jihad Drug.' It's simply a part of the murderous Islamist ideology.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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