Friday, May 17, 2024

Dinesh D’Souza Accuses Tucker Carlson and Newsmax of Censorship


Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza is voicing his frustrations today with and the conservative cable news channel over their coverage, or lack thereof, of his debunked election conspiracy film, “2000 Mules.”

D'Souza tweeted this morning, alleging that both Tucker Carlson and Newsmax dictated what Catherine Engelbrecht, who provided research for D'Souza's new film, could and could not say on their air.

Engelbrecht founded True the Vote, an anti-voter fraud group, in 2009.

As Newsweek reports:

D'Souza also accused Newsmax of “blocking coverage” of the film.

The film alleges that widespread voter fraud took place during the , something that Trump and some of his closest allies have continued to say since he left office more than a year ago. However, many organizations have debunked the claims and the Department of Homeland Security called the 2020 presidential election “the most secure in American history.”

The documentary, which was released last week, claims “mules,” paid or unpaid political operatives, placed ballots in multiple vote drop boxes, which were used to make voting easier during the pandemic.

Neither nor Newsmax has responded to requests for comment.

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