Friday, June 28, 2024

Patriot Spotlight

Congress To Investigate Alleged Biden Collusion With Antigun Lobbyists

A top congressional investigator is now looking into allegations that the Biden White House is colluding with wealthy anti-gun activists to cut off the domestic supply of firearms through...

Biden Letting Communist China Overtake US Navy To Focus On Climate Change

A key United States senator is warning Americans that Joe Biden is letting the...

Cruz Moves To Stop Biden Scheme To Outlaw Gas Cars

U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) wants to force the Senate to vote on stopping...

Biden And Trump Are The Most Hated Pair Of Major Party Nominees In Polling History – Do You Agree?

The 2024 presidential may set a new record for voter apathy. Nearly 30 years of...

As Summer Approaches Biden Announces Plan To Shut Down US Power Plants

As the nation moves into summer temperatures that will see year-high electricity use, the...

Biden Nominee For Federal Judge Appears On Letter Calling For End Of Arrests For Crimes Like Assault

In a stunning development, a Biden nominee for federal judge appears was on the board of directors of a group that called on police...

Biden Official Taped Claiming Cabinet Member Using Tax Dollars To Campaign For Biden

In a new undercover video released by conservative watchdog James O’Keefe, a Biden administration official claims Isabel Guzman, Administrator of the Small Business Administration,...

Congressional Chairman Alleges Fauci Ally ‘Deliberately Obstructed’ Investigation Into COVID-19 Origin

Just weeks after congressional investigators alleged he used a private email account to avoid public disclosure laws, a congressional chairman alleges a key ally...
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Biden FBI Now Under Investigation For Woke DEI Hiring Scheme

With polls showing Americans believe the Federal Bureau of Investigation has become a left-wing political enforcer, a new scheme to hire agents based on...

Senate Moves To Cut Off Student Loan Bailouts For Violent Leftists

Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) introduced the No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act, which he describes as “legislation preventing any pro-Hamas protestor on college campuses...

Fauci To Testify Before Congress For First Time Since Leaving Office

Amid boiling questions about the United States government’s role in the origins of the COVID-19 virus and the widespread harm caused by federally-designed government...
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Biden Makes History With Latest Approval Rating And He’s Not Happy About It

Joe Biden’s latest presidential job approval rating has set a new record low for futility, putting him in danger of losing reelection. Biden “averaged 38.7...

Congressional Panel: Key Fauci Ally Should Be Criminally Investigated And Formally Debarred

In a sign the fallout from the federal government’s role in the global COVID-19 pandemic is just starting, a key congressional panel is recommending...

Senators Slam Liberal Scheme To House Illegal Aliens Instead Of Veterans

A group of United States senators are sounding the alarm on an effort by President Joe Biden to give illegal aliens free taxpayer-funded housing...
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Polls Find Americans More Likely To Have Seen A Ghost Than Believe Biden Economic Plan Working

Two years after Congress passed Joe Biden’s so-called “Inflation Reduction Act,” a crushing majority of Americans believe the multi-trillion spending scheme only delivered relief...

Biden Administration Covering Up Classified Document Interview For This Stunning Reason

A federal watchdog reveals the Biden Justice Department refuses to release recorded interviews by a special counsel investigating Joe Biden’s illegal and unsecured retention...

Court Asked To Rule Against Trump Prosecutor Who Failed To Respond To Record Lawsuit

A high-profile conservative law firm is asking a Georgia court to enter a default judgment against anti-Trump prosecutor and liberal Fulton County District Attorney...
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Biden Scheme To Spy On Trump Supporter’s Bank Accounts Even Wider Than Reported

Congressional investigators are demanding additional documents and information from financial institutions nationwide amid revelations that a Biden administration operation to spy on millions of...

Biden Administration Sued Over Scheme To Revoke Trump Security Clearance

The nonprofit public interest law firm Judicial Watch reports they filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Energy...
