Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Air Force Welcomes Controversial Group Leader – Sparks Debate On Children’s Issues


ANALYSIS – In the latest installment of our military has gone bats**t crazy, the Department of the Air Force Pride Month celebration featured the CEO of an organization that advocates for children to undergo irreversible sex change surgical procedures and hormone treatments for children.

The group also pushes sexually explicit LGBT books onto young kids.

The two-day “DAF Pride Celebration” also highlighted Technical Sergeant Evelyn Lee, a member of SPARTA, listed as the “first United States Air Force airman to begin a successful gender transition while stationed on the Korean Peninsula.”

Meanwhile, the event schedule included LGBT trivia as well as sessions on “+ & Organizational Culture” and the “LGBTQ+ Civilian and Service Experience.”

Opening remarks on the second day were given by Lieutenant Colonel Bree Fram, an engineer with the United States Space Force. Fram is a biological man who identifies as a woman and is an activist for transgender policies in the military.

The Air Force Academy previously hosted Fram for a symposium where he spoke about transgender inclusion.

But it is the head of the extreme pro-transgender organization PFLAG (formerly known as “Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays”), Brian Bond, who stole the show as keynote speaker at the event.

As The Daily Wire reported:

Bond's radical organization has a “transgender reading list for children” which includes “I Am Jazz,” which it described as a story about “a transgender child based on the real-life experience of Jazz Jennings.” There's also the “Gender Now Coloring Book,” which is “meant to provide reflection and support unity by showing multiple genders standing together.”

Another book on the list, called “What Makes a Baby,” is said to be a “children's book that takes gender out of making a baby.” The book's author, Cory Silverberg, is one of the founders of what has been referred to as a “beginner's sex store” in Toronto. He has also authored “Sex is a Funny Word,” a children's book that discusses “transgender identity, intersex conditions, and masturbation.”

A Pentagon source told The Daily Wire that the event is indicative of “misplaced” focus in the military, which is losing sight of its main purpose: fighting wars.

US Army Africa from Vicenza, Italy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

“We are bombarded with emails, memos, official messages, meetings, and gatherings for special interest groups and social issues, but nary a word is issued about our warfighting heritage,” the source said. “This is indicative of a much larger problem in the Pentagon: more time and effort is spent on social programs and issues than preparing for war. The focus is misplaced, and taxpayers should know what they are paying for.”

The PFLAG network reportedly has nearly 400 chapters across the United States, with more than 350,000 members and supporters.

With help from outside groups such as PFLAG, the Pentagon has embedded the radical leftwing gender ideology, as well as the diversity, , and inclusion (DEI) agenda throughout the military establishment. 

More recently the Pentagon requested $114 million in taxpayer funds to support “unconscious bias diversity training” and “training programs and diversity and inclusion initiatives.”

So, how is all this transgenderism in government faring so far?

One user on X correctly noted:

First transgender elected official: Arrested for child pornography.

First transgender Army officer: Arrested for selling military secrets to the Russians.

First non-binary government official: Arrested for stealing luggage from airports.

President cannot come soon enough.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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