Are Trump And JD Vance ‘Weird’? Or Are Democrats Insane?

- September 16, 2024
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Last week, the Council passed a highly controversial bill, establishing a commission and task force dedicated to implementing for black Americans in addition to installing signage at historical slave sites.

Fox News reports:

Councilmembers Crystal Hudson and Farah Louis sponsored a pair of bills to establish a Truth, Healing and Reconciliation Commission and a reparations task force. Both bills passed on Thursday and will be effective immediately.

The logistics and implementations of this reparations bill have yet to be.

ANALYSIS – Gaslighting at its most extreme. Cackling and her bizarre band of far-left Democrat puppeteers have pulled back from their shrill and ridiculous claim that Trump is “a threat to democracy.”

That line of attack, the core of Joe Biden's campaign message, apparently wasn't faring too well.

Politico noted that:

Biden and his senior adviser Mike Donilon, who conceptualized nearly every one of Biden's TV ads, both believed deeply in making the issue of democracy a central theme of the campaign. But the president's remarks on the subject often featured a grave tone and a heaviness that, more than three years after the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the country had seemingly tuned out. Polls showed voters rated Biden and Trump roughly evenly on questions of which candidate would be better to protect democracy.

So, “suddenly,” Politico added, “there's no more talk of ‘inflection points' or saving ‘the soul of the nation.'”

Instead, they are now using the word ‘weird' in every other sentence to describe former President , and especially his running mate JD Vance. The silly Democrat talking point is now being used by every surrogate and even Harris herself.

Harris used “weird” to describe Trump at a recent fundraiser. “You may have noticed Donald Trump has been resorting to some wild lies about my record. And some of what he and his running mate are saying, it's just plain weird. I mean, that's the box you put that in, right?” Harris said.

Ironically though, it's their entire line of attack that is juvenile and just plain weird. Even more so coming from Democrats who have recently become the official standard bearers of bizarre and insane ideas, like men with penises being women, perverted drag shows for kids, wide open borders, enabling , and appeasing our enemies. 

Not to mention the incredibly weird Democrat support for Hamas terrorists and hatred of America.

Or having the most cringe and bizarre woman, with a grating hyena-like laugh, usually employed inappropriately, who talks like a kindergarten teacher who forgot her lesson, as their candidate for president.

One user on X reminded us: “When Democrats say Republicans are “weird” remember that Democrats aren't even allowed to say “normal” anymore because it is offensive.”

Ben Shapiro noted:

“Democrats keep calling JD Vance weird. The actual weird candidate is Kamala Harris, whose odd laughter, word salads, radical policies, and habit of hanging with the cast of ‘Ru Paul's Drag Race' is substantially weirder than anything Vance has ever done.”

But how did this weird campaign begin? And will it backfire on Democrats? Soon conservatives everywhere will have ‘weird' in their Twitter (X) handles.

According to Politico:

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz , a potential Harris running mate who's been using this description for months, said it during his first viral TV appearance of the week, and then in others. The Democratic Governors Association, which Walz leads, amplified it on social media. And the Harris campaign has adopted it as well, incorporating the label repeatedly this week in press releases and posts on X and TikTok.

As this simple and quintessentially Midwestern description of Trump and Vance catches on, it marks a notable rhetorical shift — away from Biden's apocalyptic, high-minded messaging toward a more gut-level vernacular that may better capture how many voters react to far-right rhetoric of the kind Vance in particular trades in.

The outlet added:

Walz's post of his interview clip on X — captioned: “I'm telling you: these guys are weird.” — had 4.6 million views as of Friday afternoon. And when the Harris campaign sent out a memo on Thursday responding to Trump, or what they described as “a 78-Year-Old Criminal's Fox News Appearance,” they included this among a list of takeaways: “Trump is old and quite weird?”

While the entire Democrat aligned media has appeared to immediately parrot the ‘weird' attacks on Trump, Vance and MAGA, one liberal columnist thinks it's a very silly idea. And counterproductive, adding that Democrats may regret it.

Thomas Friedman wrote in the New York Times:

For a few days this last week I started to believe that Kamala Harris and the Democrats could come from behind and beat Donald Trump. But then I started to hear Democrats patting themselves on the back for coming up with a great new label for Trump Republicans. They are “weird.”

I cannot think of a sillier, more playground, more foolish and more counterproductive political taunt for Democrats to seize on than calling Trump and his supporters “weird.”

Friedman added:

It is now a truism that if Democrats have any hope of carrying key swing states and overcoming Trump's advantages in the Electoral College, they have to break through to white, working-class, non-college-educated men and women, who, if they have one thing in common, feel denigrated and humiliated by Democratic, liberal, college-educated elites. They hate the people who hate Trump more than they care about any Trump policies. Therefore, the dumbest message Democrats could seize on right now is to further humiliate them as “weird.”

So, keep it up Dems. Keep sailing the weird ship, as it sinks all the way to the bottom.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Last week, the New York City Council passed a highly controversial


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    Weird vs WEIRDO – Vance may be weird, by “their standards” mainly cos he normal, manin stream who acheived the American Dream.

    WEIRDO is 100% progressive Democrat. Bearded “women” who want to be able to have babies, Mayor Pete “Breast-feeding” his adopted kid, cross-dressing politicians in public, women who scream amout nothing, people who wear “pus$y” hats on their heads, pedophIles, “Weird Uncle Joe”, etc etc.

    “Weird” people can be fun, simply b/c they are a little different from your norm” WEIRDOS you avoid at all costs. BIG DIFFERENCE.


    IMHO: I believe Paul Crespo is right on target. One thing we should all remember is that the “Democracy” that the DNC and the dimly-lit democrats keep worrying that the GOP is going to destroy is NOT the Democracy of Old. This is the new democracy, following the CCP and Communism, that has infiltrated the USA and our public education system, and IT NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED! This new democracy also follows the WEF, and if we keep following it we will lose the USA to the barbarians at the gate. The main reason what they say is “weird” coming from President Trump is because what Trump is talking about is their “democracy” and their insane actions, which ARE weird, and President Trump is simply calling a Spade a Spade, and sometimes even has to resort to calling their shenanigans a “effing” shovel. They’re world renowned experts at shoveling even the worst grades of B.S.! Their “democracy” is “weird” when one considers what an “idiotocracy” it really is.

    Sandra Lee Smith

    Leftists the world over have moved so far to the extreme, the can no longer even recognize what is”normal”, let alone utter the word itself! They reject the standard of “normal” that has existed for millennia, and its Author, preferring to wallow in the aberrations the increasingly embrace as “normal” and good”, regardless the harm those do to body and soul of those practicing them! To their twisted minds, now “blinded by strong delusion” as Yhwh God long ago forewarned would happen when He gave them over to the desires of their hearts, a sign of the end times itself, anything else would seem “weird”! But, of course, that’s a mental defense against recognizing their own dangerously bizarre beliefs and behaviors. The saddest part is what that means for them spiritually, for eternity, and for a nation once able to tolerate each other’s differences to be an united nation, which has become utterly impossible now! Those on the left refuse to budge, or to tolerate any variation from their twisted views; those who continue to hold to the truth of Yhwh God must not be unequally yoked with such as they, lest the sick evil which has poisoned them spread and poison all! This has long been a ” test” for those who follow Yhwh; and more are failing it every day.

    Charles E. Toner

    To the Socialist/Democrats who dwell on the childish word ‘weird’. Yes, you do have a true weirdo in your midst, his name is Joe Biden who ‘loves to sniff young girls hair….and you have Talib out of MI who willing sits in the House chamber with a sign in her hand advertising that she is a ‘War Criminal’ . That is true weird.


    Almost can’t believe that Thomas Friedman, the most outspoken self-hating Jew, could say something of so much “Common Sense.”
    He’s the one who usually finds the obtuse argument to oppose the Common Sense of others.

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