Saturday, July 6, 2024

Left-Wing Democrat Congressman Spread Shocking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories


ANALYSIS – Loony tune, far-left U.S. Rep. (D-N.Y.), who his colleagues recently censured for deliberately pulling a fire alarm during a House vote, earlier posted crazy conspiracy theories about the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks while serving as a public high school principal in the Bronx.

Bowman, elected to Congress in 2021, and the latest addition to the socialist ‘Squad' in the House, has since disavowed those theories, and said he regrets posting them. But only after they were recently uncovered.

The Democrat Congressman published his thoughts on his blog, ‘' The site's contents have since been removed, but parts of it can still be accessed via the Internet Archive.

The Post reported:

Bowman — a member of the liberal [leftist] House “Squad” that also includes Rep. (D-NY) — kept a blog that claimed building Number 7 was destroyed in a controlled demolition and that hijacked Flight 93 and Flight 77 caused minimal damage and left behind little debris.

The posts, which were unearthed by the Daily Beast, were reportedly made before 2014, when Bowman was principal at the Cornerstone Academy for Social Action in the Bronx, and deleted by 2016.

Bowman, 47, claimed that Osama bin Laden, a Saudi native, was “blamed” for the attacks as an excuse to wage war in Afghanistan, when in fact the terror leader had openly taken credit for the massacre.

Investigators have determined that Building 7 buckled after debris from the Twin Towers started a fire, and hijackers steered Flight 77 into the Pentagon in , killing all 64 people on the plane and 125 in the building.

Ironically, Bowman's discredited theories were initially spread by far-right Infowars founder .

Mediaite quoted some of the poorly written poem and Bowman's reference to Jones' documentary and other related works espousing wild 9/11 conspiracy theories:

“2001/Planes used as missiles/Target: The Twin Towers,” read the poem. “Later in the day/Building 7/Also Collaspsed [sic]/Hmm…/Multiple explosions/Heard before/And during the collapse/Hmm…”

It continued, “Allegedly/Two other planes/The Pentagon//Hijacked by terrorist [sic]/Minimal damage done/Minimal debris found/Hmm…”

The poem went on to reference the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, before encouraging readers to “Watch Loose Change/And Zeitgeist.”

According to Loose Change is a documentary which claims “that the U.S. government carried out the Sept. 11 attacks,” while Zeitgeist contains a number of conspiracy theories and “questions whether Jesus actually existed.”

In a statement Bowman recently said:

I don't believe anything that these cranks have said, and my life's work has proven that. As a Congressman, I've written a Congressional Resolution condemning a dangerous , I've stood up to MAGA extremists, and I've called out the endless bulls–t of the far-right.

However, his comments would hold more weight if he wasn't such a proponent of other conspiracy theories, including ones that claim the crack cocaine epidemic and standardized testing in schools were intentionally crafted to harm blacks.

In a pair of tweets in 2021 Bowman wrote, “Standardized testing is a pillar of systemic racism.”

Bowman has also drawn a serious Democratic primary contender in recent months because of his public critique of Israel's ongoing military operation against Hamas.

The left-wing representative was one of the earliest and most outspoken members of Congress to call for a ceasefire following Palestinian terror group Hamas's devastating attack on Israel, and the ensuing war in the Gaza Strip.

Bowman has also called Israel's military campaign in Gaza: “genocide.”

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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