Thursday, July 4, 2024

Mexico’s New Socialist Female President – A Puppet For The Cartels?


ANALYSIS – The newly elected woman president of , of the Morena party, is touted excitedly by the world press as the country's first female leader. 

But despite all the hoopla about her breaking the glass ceiling, it is doubtful much will change in Mexico.

Except maybe for the worse. And this can have very bad consequences for the United States. Especially with Joe in the White House. (RELATED: Texas Guard Seizes Island Used As Base By Mexican Cartels)

Like her mentor and predecessor,  (AMLO), she is a socialist. So, expect more statist policies south of the border. She is also a “climate scientist.” So, expect ludicrous green energy projects and regulations.

Also, expect her to lecture the U.S. on the dangers of climate change. Or work with Biden to destroy our energy sectors. (RELATED: As Border Crisis Worsens, Biden Slashes Border Funds To Pay For Radical Climate Change Agenda)

Sadly, also expect the country's femicide epidemic (killing of women) to continue raging just as it did under her tenure as mayor of Mexico City from 2018-2023.

Worse of all though, under Sheinbaum's presidency, expect the deadly Mexican drug to continue running the country as they have under AMLO. And maybe more so.

A failed state across a porous border is a serious national security threat and may be about to get far worse.

The Spectator reported:

AMLO will depart having presided over the bloodiest presidency in Mexican history, with over 185,000 homicides and over 110,000 missing people. (He has decried those desperate family members who search for missing people and mass graves as suffering from a “delirium of necrophilia.”) His “hugs not bullets” approach to the cartels resulted in more of both — more bullets in heads, and more families embracing in sorrow after.

That extended all the way through election day, with two people shot and killed at places. Despite AMLO's assurances that this election would see candidates protected, thirty-eight were killed, many in broad daylight, again the most assassinations on record. The video of the shooting of opposition mayoral candidate Alfredo Cabrera as he shakes hands in the midst of a crowd in Guerrero shows the impunity with which these cartel killers work (warning, graphic).

Al Jazeera reports:

More than two dozen candidates were assassinated ahead of the June 2 polls, and hundreds more dropped out of their races. In April, two mayoral contenders were found dead on a single day.

The outlet continues:

The pre-electoral spike in political killings is attributed primarily to cartels and other organised outfits conducting their own form of elections – if you will – by eliminating unfriendly candidates. After all, there is no time like the biggest election in Mexican history to show who will really be calling the shots in the coming years.

The Spectator added:

None of this is surprising, considering that we know AMLO and his regime to be a wholly owned partner of the cartels, relying on them for campaign cash and favors in return for emphatic defense of their barbaric behavior. There's no mystery to this behavior, and AMLO has been anything but subtle about it — even to the point of siding with the criminals against the DEA, which he accused of “spying” on the Sinaloa cartel after a slew of arrests of fentanyl smugglers, including El Chapo's sons.

If 's radical open border policies continue, expect the Mexican narcos to gain greater control over the border region, and continue penetrating further into the United States. (RELATED: Violent Mexican Drug Cartels Expand To All 50 States Under Biden)

The Spectator concluded:

As AMLO's apprentice, there should be no expectations that Sheinbaum will approach any of these matters differently. And that means in all likelihood that the United States' relationship with the failing narco-state across our southern border will only get worse.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

READ NEXT: President To Sign Major Border Order – Amid Election Turmoil!

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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