Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Left’s LGBTQ ‘War on Straight White Folks’ – From DoD to Our Schools


ANALYSIS – I recently wrote about U.S. defense experts decrying the Biden Pentagon's push for gender bending pronouns and other transgender indoctrination of our military, and its impact on its effectiveness. 

This is in addition to the barrage of anti-white racial indoctrination being imposed under the divisive ‘diversity and inclusion' mantra.

Please see prior ADN reports on Team Biden pushing Critical Race Theory (CRT) at DoD hereherehere and here.

But the Left's ‘War on Straight White Folks' isn't just at DoD, it's extending down to our schools, as indoctrination of our children is in full swing.

Often this is done under the guise of celebrating ‘Pride' week or month.

In one prominent example, on Tuesday Attorney General blasted “Pride Week” activities at the Austin Independent School District in a letter posted to Twitter.

Paxton noted that these activities reportedly including “Queer Eye” showings and “nail painting” parties at a district high school, constitute “human sexuality instruction” allowable only with parents' consent. He also accused the district of participating in LGBTQ “indoctrination.”

In a follow-up tweet, the Attorney General added:

Liberal school districts are aggressively pushing LGBTQ+ views on Texas kids! All behind parents' backs! This is immoral and illegal. I will work with and for parents to hold deceptive sexual propagandists and predators accountable.

Paxton's letter argued that the district's activities are “at best” an “instructional effort in human sexuality without parental consent” or “worse” the district is “cynically pushing … indoctrination of your students that … subtly cuts parents out of the loop. Either way you're breaking the law.”

Twitter user ‘Libs of ' posted a video of the young kids parading their rainbow ‘Pride' flags with teachers waving them at the children, saying:

I knew she would delete it so I saved it. The assistant principal posted this video of a pride parade in school to her Twitter account.

Paxton also said he heard reports about “community circles” in which “sensitive topics” are discussed and that “students are encouraged to keep [them] confidential, presumably from parents.”

Ironically, in typical gaslighting fashion, the perpetrators this LGBTQ indoctrination pushing children to celebrate everything but being straight, claim they are protecting their LGBTQ students, rather than maybe making some straight students feel inadequate or bad for not being gay.

Austin ISD Superintendent Stephanie S. Elizalde tweeted a reply to Paxton: “I want all our LGBTQIA+ students to know that we are proud of them and that we will protect them against political attacks.”

Stanford also said Paxton is wrong, legally and factually, to equate Pride Week with sex . The Austin American-Statesman quoted Stanford as saying:

Pride is about celebrating who people are, particularly members of the LGBT community who are bullied much more than the community at large, who experience suicide at much higher rates, who skip school at twice the rate of straight kids because of worries about their safety.

And while Paxton's letter advised the Austin ISD to “rectify this situation” and warned that parents could take action against the school district, Stanford reportedly brushed off the attorney general's cautions.

“This is nothing our lawyers are taking seriously at all because he's so wrong about the law,” Stanford told the American-Statesman. “We thank the attorney general for his interest, but we will continue to celebrate Pride.”

On a related note, The Blaze reported the ongoing effort focused on ‘queering' our nation's libraries:

Over 4,000 people will attend the Public Library Association's national conference, which is happening this week in Portland, Oregon. There are more than 100 programs for library professionals at the three-day event, including a session titled: “Queering the Library: Strategically Creating Space for the LGBTQ+ Community.”

Perhaps it is time for parents to take action. It's unacceptable for our troops to be getting transgender indoctrination from their leaders, but is far worse when our children are receiving ‘sexual orientation' or gender-bender indoctrination from their teachers and schools, or our nation's libraries.

If you don't take actions to protect them, others will. Actually, they already are.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


  1. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest. They are denying reality. Need proof ? Drop your pants and look in the mirror.

  2. It’s way past time for the majority to get take back our country from the likes of the liberals, the racist WOKE crowd, and queers.

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