The Shocking Cost Of Biden’s Illegal Immigration Crisis

Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Is Trump regretting his VP pick? Will Trump tell Vance he is “fired”? When former President selected as his vice presidential candidate soon after surviving an assassination attempt, some called the choice bold and a doubling down on Trumpism.

I said he could help Trump make his case in 2024 and be the GOP standard bearer in 2028. Still, I also said I would have preferred Trump had picked a woman, and that I had some reservations about Vance as VP, including his youth and inexperience.

It is not a . It is a national crisis!

Every state is being inundated with illegal immigrants, and it is going to bankrupt our country, which is already $31 trillion in debt.

Over the past week, has been the recipient of 4,338 new families. We are being told that they are “Haitian families” because they can seek asylum, and they don't have to go back if we elect a Republican president. However, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out where they came from. 

3,471 of the new families have been settled into shelters while 867 are being housed in hotels. If each hotel room costs $150 per night, taxpayers are funding $130,050 per day, $910,350 per week and $47,338,200 per year. The Commonwealth has contracted with the hotels for one year, so either our new Democrat governor doesn't believe that these families will not be self-sustaining in months or she is planning to bring more families over the next year.

If the state shelters are being managed at a lower cost than a hotel say $50 per night that is costing taxpayers $173,550 per day, $1,214,850 per week and $63,172,200 per year.

These “Haitian” families are most likely receiving welfare for other living expenses. If each family has been given $1,000 worth of benefits per month, that costs $4.3 million per month and $52 million per year. 

So the burden is up to $162 million for the newcomers in just Massachusetts. These are lowball estimates that do not include medical care, public safety, interpreters or educational costs.

If we estimate that 35 states are getting the same amount of influx, that's $5.6 billion for just the newcomers! But we know that states like Texas and Arizona are much worse off, especially when it comes to public safety.

The latest price for finishing the wall is $9.8 billion. That is a bargain! And always remember never vote Democrat!

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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    According to the American Constitution ‘states’ are responsible for their border. Where did this go wrong?? Also, in the Constitution states can form a citizens militia. The Revoluntary war was fought at first by the citizen militia. Each state should be sending their National Guard down for emergency service. We are passed emergency, now it is a crisis.


    What is the cost to Americans when there are 30 million illegal aliens in the country. Illegals that are accessing a long list of government services without paying into the system? The answer is somewhere between $3 trillion to $12 trillion.

      Ron Edwards

      Not to mention the trillions going to Ukraine….with the obvious kickback to the scum in Washingmoney


    Stop all of the free housing, free food, free medical care, free education, free everything. If these people can walk hundreds of miles to break into the country they can work to support themselves. Otherwise send them back. An even better idea, don’t let them in. Where’s the United Nations and why haven’t they sent peace keeping forces into Haiti to establish law and order to help those poor people.


    I’m opposed to illegal immigration, past & present. But the immigrants of today are not like the immigrants of yesteryear. In the past, migrants came here expecting to find work and take care of themselves (or have relatives help out until they became self-sufficient.

    Many of the immigrants of today expect to be housed, fed, given medical care and a free smart phone. Many have no intention of learning our language, finding a job, or assimilating. They will never consider themselves Americans, but expect to have the privileges of citizenship.

    There are exceptions, of course, but most of the millions who are flooding across our borders think of what the US owes them, and not the reverse. It is their right, they believe, to come and be taken care of by the US taxpayer. It is not so. The Biden administration views them as future Democrats. If they were future Republicans, Biden’s attitude would do a complete 180 degree turn.


    When these people arrive in Mexico their asylum status is nullified because they are no longer in the country they feared and so they do not need to continue on to the United States. This becomes Mexico’s problem but the U.S. did not tell Mexico to let them in.

    Gus Richards

    Why in God’s name do the left wing democrats want to allow this invasion of illegals to continue? Do these illegals think they have a right to come here any time they want, and how ever they want? Not only are the Biden handlers destroying our country, they are going to bankrupt every taxpayer in this country. Is this how they plan to take over the country? They seem to really want to start that second great civil/race war that has been kicked around for the last several years. They better watch out what they wish for, it just might not turn out to be what they want.

    Stephen Russell

    Been costly since Biden took office years ago to date
    We have feed. house, clothe etc them & they Do Zero


    We need Congress to pass a law that those in charge of Law Enforcement from the top – President down through Attorney Generals, District Attorneys, Governors, Mayors – may not decide that any law will not be enforced en masse and unless it is a hugely extenuating circumstance they may not order law enforcement to Stand Down and watch laws being broken, destruction taking place etc. and take no action. AG’s may not simply change a felony to a misdemeanor, etc. This has to stop – if there is a law on the books, it is up to law enforcement to enforce the law and up to AGs to prosecute. Individual cases may still be negotiated, but no more ordering law enforcement to ignore all who break some certain law they don’t like are allowed to go free. Also, Sanctuary States, Cities, Counties should never be allowed in order to allow folks to circumvent any law. This is insane and has turned us into an OUTLAW COUNTRY. Who does that serve?? Not citizens who work hard, make the right choices and sacrifices, pay their bills and obey the laws!! CRIPES – let’s stop this craziness!!


    The far-left ‘compassionate’ sanctuary cities: ‘Oh YES! Please let them come!’ And then once the unwashed masses arrive, it’;s ‘Horrors! Not in MY back yard!’ Human falsehood and hypocrisy know no bounds.

    Ron Edwards

    Well, the voters in Mass are, and always have been, just as stupid as the idiots in Minnesota, so pay your taxes and enjoy the communism you voted for.

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