Thursday, July 4, 2024

China Expanding Spy Bases In Cuba Just 90 Miles From US


TUESDAY Déjà vu all over again. Satellite images show expansion of suspected Chinese spy bases in Cuba. Analysts identified four electronic eavesdropping stations, including a previously unreported site near the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo, Cuba.

Images captured from space show the growth of Cuba's electronic eavesdropping stations that are believed to be linked to China, including new construction at a previously unreported site about 70 miles from the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay. (RELATED: Ex-US Ambassador Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Spying For Cuba)

The study from the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington-based think tank, follows reporting last year by The Wall Street Journal that China and Cuba were negotiating closer defense and intelligence ties, including establishing a new joint military training facility on the island and an eavesdropping facility.

The concern about the stations, former officials and analysts say, is that China is using Cuba's geographical proximity to the southeastern U.S. to scoop up sensitive electronic communications from American military bases, space-launch facilities and military and commercial shipping.

Chinese facilities on the island “could also bolster China's use of telecommunications networks to spy on U.S. citizens,” said Leland Lazarus, an expert on China-Latin America.

Cuba has significantly upgraded and expanded its electronic spying facilities in recent years and pinpointed four sites—at Bejucal, El Salao, Wajay and Calabazar.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here's a roundup of today's other top defense stories from conservative national security expert PAUL CRESPO.

Not the President's Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL'S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB:


What if Russia wins in Ukraine? One of nine thinkers on Europe's future without America's embrace.

Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

What the Russia-Iran ‘comprehensive agreement' means for Western security interests. The growing military cooperation will “formalize” their defense collaboration against the U.S. and its allies.

AI begins ushering in an age of killer robots. A Ukrainian drone company was recently at work on a weapon of the future.


Mom breached Space Force base with 4-year-old, fled in stolen car. She stole a man's car on base, resulting in a high-speed chase in two Central counties.

Trump says he can end the Russia-Ukraine war in one day — Russia's UN ambassador says no, he can't.

Congressman's former commander confirms disputed Bronze Star. The commanding officer of a 2008 tour in Afghanistan that included then-U.S. Army Major Troy Nehls said that he recalls awarding the now-congressman his second Bronze Star award.

Jen Psaki agrees to Afghanistan probe interview. 's former press secretary will sit for an interview this month in the House Foreign Affairs Committee's probe into Biden's disastrous military's exit from Afghanistan.

Retired admiral pleads not guilty in federal bribery case. The former Vice Chief of Naval Operation pleaded not guilty Monday in a Washington, D.C., federal courtroom to criminal charges involving an alleged bribery scheme that played out while he was still in uniform.


Israeli generals, low on munitions, want a truce with Hamas in Gaza. This, in case a bigger war breaks out in Lebanon. They have reportedly also concluded that a truce would be the swiftest way to free hostages.

Lawsuit accuses Iran, Syria and North Korea of providing support for Hamas' Oct. 7 terror attack on Israel. Victims of the savage attack sued the three nations on Monday, saying their governments supplied the militants with money, weapons and know-how needed to carry out the assault that precipitated Israel's ongoing war in Gaza


US bases in Europe urge vigilance and security due to present threats. This, due to a combination of threats it is seeing across the region.

WATCH Marine attack helicopters rain fire during training run off the coast of Japan.

Bat insignia on Marine stealth fighter in Japan is minor star on social media. The F-35 stealth fighter at this base south of Hiroshima is sporting a new look, one to make Batman envious.

The U.S. Army, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

TO FACE CHINA'S INCREASING ‘GRAY ZONE' THREAT – Congress looks to continue Coast Guard's Pacific expansion. The Coast Guard is slated to continue solidifying its Pacific footprint with new funds from Congress as the service plays an increasingly prominent role in Washington's regional strategy.

US Raptors and Ospreys to join Australia's largest-ever modern airpower drills. Air Force F-22 stealth fighters and Marine Corps MV-22 tiltrotors are scheduled to fly with aircraft of 21 other nations in Australia's largest-ever modern airpower exercise this month.


What Taiwan is learning from the war in Ukraine. For the Taiwanese public, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has revealed the dangers at their own doorstep from China.


CENTCOM reports 3 Houthi unmanned boats destroyed. U.S. forces in the Red Sea engaged the Iran-backed Houthi threats in a “self-defense engagement.”

Royal Australian Navy Leading Seaman Matthew Lyall, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


How US strike curbs for Ukraine morphed from caveats to ‘common sense.' In late May, Team Biden announced a major policy change: Washington would now let Ukrainian forces fire US-provided weapons into Russia — though only around one region in the northeast.

Russia twice sent Kilo attack submarine toward the Irish Sea since the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This, an unprecedented move by the Kremlin that forced the U.K. military to take steps to protect British and Irish waters.

Baltic defensive bunker line not meant to stop Russian attack, but ‘shape' it. As leaders of NATO meet next week in Washington, D.C., two major themes are expected to underlie nearly every discussion: Ukraine's ability to fight off Russian invaders, and the threat that Moscow poses to NATO member nations along its border.

Ukraine is releasing thousands of prisoners so they can join the fight against Russia.

Hungary's leader is in Ukraine for talks with Zelenskyy. It's his first visit since the war began in 2022.

NATO to establish Kyiv post and seeks to ‘Trump-proof' Ukraine aid. The move is among changes that aim to safeguard support amid European right-wing surge.


North Korea says its recent missile tests involved new tactical ballistic missile with ‘super-large warhead.' This, as the country is pushing to modernize its weapons arsenal to cope with what it calls U.S.-led threats.

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Ian Dudley, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Why deorbiting 100 older SpaceX satellites is a ‘tremendous opportunity' for the Space Force to gather crucial data and real-world experience for guardians.

Orbital warfare: Train like you fight. Experts discuss the threats facing our satellites and the importance of preparing Guardians for warfighting.


Australia aims to boost local arms production. So far it's leaning foreign. The CEO of an Australian firm specializing in precision-guided weapons, rockets and loitering munitions, wants to buy a Brazilian manufacturer. He's encouraged by a government-run program aimed at growing the domestic industry's capability to build long-range weaponry. But he can't get the financial backing from the government's Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance Enterprise program.

Official U.S. Navy Page from United States of AmericaMC1 Alexandra Seeley/U.S. Navy, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Next-gen fighter not dead, but needs cheaper redesign. The. Air Force has not abandoned its program to build an advanced next-generation fighter, but it does need a redesign to get costs under control and better integrate its planned drone wingmen.

National Guard soldiers training with ‘pocket-sized' drones. The Black Hornet 3 drone, already in use with active-duty Army units, can fly about 25 minutes and requires no equipment beyond what a soldier can carry on their combat gear. The 27th Infantry Brigade is based at Fort Drum, .

The US Army is spending $4.5 billion to produce more Patriot missiles. It is hoping it can replenish its supply of Patriot missiles and keep overall costs down with one major order.

Pentagon's network defense command improving readiness of cyber defenders. It is seeking to expand how it evaluates the readiness of its cyber defense forces and training to all defenders, not just typical cyber operators.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


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