Saturday, July 6, 2024

Democrats Trying To Ban Most Popular Handgun And Body Armor


ANALYSIS – Just when you thought your handguns were safe from gun-grabbing leftists thanks to the , Democrats in state have come up with a new, yet unconstitutional, way to try to ban America's most popular handguns.

But they don't stop there, one Democrat congressman from the same state wants a federal ban on certain levels of for civilians. More on the body armor ban below.

So, what is the handgun they most want banned? It is the ubiquitous Glock, used by police throughout the country, as well as many civilians.

And how are they targeting Glock? Well, by going after pistols that can be easily converted to fully automatic fire with a small, cheap, customer-made device called a “pistol converter” or “Glock switch.”

And while no specific are mentioned in the bill, Glocks are at the top of the Democrats' target list, many other semi-auto striker-fired handguns would be banned as well. (RELATED: Tucker Carlson: I Always Carry A Gun As A ‘Statement Of Autonomy')

Glock switches are easy to install and have sold for between $50 and $100. They also can be manufactured on 3-D printers.

Their bill, S. 9225, would be the first of its kind in the nation. And responsible, law-abiding gun owners should be up in about it.

Gun Owners notes that:

New York state lawmakers are intentionally targeting a major firearms manufacturer and banning the sale of their product because criminals, who don't obey the law in the first place, could illegally acquire handguns and then illegally alter them further.

Under federal law, machine guns are already heavily regulated items, so what might be the real intention of this law?

It's obvious: to initiate the framework for a complete ban, and total confiscation of semi-automatic handguns – all made possible through New York's handgun registry.

Providing more background, The Wall street Journal reports:

Proposed legislation in New York could make the state the first in the nation to block gun makers from selling pistols if they don't take measures to prevent them from being able to be converted to fire like machine guns.

The bill, introduced Tuesday, was drafted in response to the growing use of the attachments, called “pistol converters” or “Glock switches,” that are placed on popular semiautomatic pistols such as those made by Glock, said the bill's sponsor, state Sen. Zellnor Myrie, a Democrat who represents a Brooklyn district.

The devices, about the size of a thumbnail, allow shooters to fire all the rounds in a magazine by just holding down the trigger, similar to a machine gun. The New York legislation highlights concern by police over the increased use of Glock switches in shootings—and killings—across the U.S.

Democrats have controlled both houses of the New York Legislature since 2019, and have approved several gun-control laws, some of which were also sponsored by Myrie. They include a red-flag law, which prevents the purchase or possession of firearms by people who might hurt themselves or others; statutes to criminalize ghost guns, which are firearms made with 3-D printers; and a ban on , which allow semiautomatic rifles to fire like machine guns.

So, if you live in New York keep your Glocks close, or move to a free state. Meanwhile, Body Armor News reports on how a New York Democrat Member of is also trying to keep law-abiding citizens from owning Level III body armor that can stop rifle rounds, nationally. (RELATED: Hunter Biden Makes Last Ditch Appeal To Delay Trial On Gun Charges)

With the increasing use of rifles by criminals, this measure would only embolden violent thugs who don't care about bans.

U.S. Reps. Timothy Kennedy (D-N.Y.-26) and Grace Meng (D-N.Y.-6) have reintroduced a bill known as the Aaron Salter Jr. Responsible Body Armor Possession Act, which would prohibit the possession, sale or transfer of enhanced body armor, with Level III ballistic resistance or above.

Level III and Level IV are designed to stop rifle rounds. The legislation would also ban helmets and ballistic shields if they are Level III or greater.

The proposed federal legislation only seeks to enforce civilian body armor usage while allowing military and police personnel to use the armor.

Salter was a retired police officer who was working as armed security at the Tops store on the day of the May 14, 2022, mass shooting attack and tried to stop the gunman. However, since the shooter was wearing enhanced body armor, Salter's round struck the attacker but had no effect.

Salter was one of the 10 people killed in that brutal attack.

As tragic as that story is, perhaps Salter should have been wearing body armor himself. But not just that.

Body Armor News notes:

If the goal is to punish criminals, why not make it a to use this type of body armor in the commission of a crime? Why take away a law-abiding citizen's right to defend himself? Much like the gun debate itself, passing another law isn't going to stop a criminal from committing a crime. All this law does is ensure that law-abiding citizens have one fewer way to protect themselves from these criminals who seek to do us harm. Since the law doesn't do a thing to go after real criminals, you really have to ask yourself whose side these politicians are on.

While many think the bill will die in the Republican-led Congress, I wouldn't put my eggs in that basket just yet. Based on how many times these gutless Republicans have caved on important issues in the past, I think it has a very real possibility of eventually passing and becoming law.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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