Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Lying Jen Psaki Caught Lying Again For Biden In Her New Book


ANALYSIS's former press secretary didn't stop lying for her former boss after leaving the White House. Without missing a beat, the left-wing hack continued lying for him as a political contributor on CNN and now as a primetime talk show host with MSNBC, also known as “MSDNC.”

But it doesn't end there. She is lying for him some more in her new book.

Unfortunately for her, this time, the liberal mainstream media is calling her out on her lies. And they have forced her to retract at least one big lie.

The most glaring falsehood that journalists have found in 's book, “Say More: Lessons From Work, the White House, and the World,” is her outrageous claim that didn't look at his watch during a solemn ceremony for our 13 troops, mostly Marines and a sailor and a soldier, killed in the Kabul airport terror attack in August 2021.

The deceased troops' Gold Star families have long blamed Biden's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan for their deaths. “He is responsible for the death of our children and for all those Afghans,” [Steve] Nikoui said. “I don't know how else to say, ‘It hurts.' It's devastating.” (RELATED: Pentagon Leaders Obsessed With Climate Change Plan As Afghanistan Collapsed)

Nikoui was arrested in March for shouting his slain son's name at Biden in the middle of the State of the Union address, He also noted that ex-administration aides such as Psaki “want to forget about this.”

Most of us who watched the 2021 ceremony at Dover Air Force Base in real time know full well that the COVID-masked Biden looked at his watch, not just once, but several times, as the flag-draped caskets of our dead warriors were being delivered to their families.

But Psaki's job has always been to lie and spin, not to be truthful or transparent. And that's what she did in her book.

Despite the obvious video documentation of the insensitive Biden incident, and numerous fact checkers confirming that it happened, Psaki shamelessly decided to simply say it didn't occur and blame Republicans for making it up to smear Biden.

The New York Post reported:

In her May 2024 book “Say More,” Psaki attacked her former boss's critics, who she said seized on the cringe-worthy moment to make “him appear insensitive, concerned only about how much time had passed,” claiming he “only looked at his watch after the ceremony had ended.”

Axios first reported on the book's inaccuracy. Photos, videos and media fact-checkers at the time of the ceremony had already confirmed Biden's snub of the fallen troops' families.

The Post also noted, “Mark Schmitz, the father of 20-year-old Marine Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz, pointed out Biden's crass behavior during an August 2023 roundtable with Gold Star families in the House Foreign Affairs Committee. (RELATED: Families Of Marines Killed During Afghan Retreat Blast Biden And Milley)

Schmitz, told Congress in August of 2023 that “while I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, ‘It's two f***ing thirty, asshole.'”

The outlet added that the Gold Star father also said:

“Not only does she owe us an apology, she needs to take that story down,” [Mark] Schmitz said of Psaki. “I blasted Biden about the watch deal at the family roundtable, and I brought it up several times in numerous interviews. Jen Psaki's full of s–t.”

A press rep for Scribner, the publisher of Psaki's book, has since confirmed that the false text “will be corrected in the e-book and future printings, due to inaccuracies as originally written.”

Considering how well covered the Biden watch incident had been at the time, it's hard to understand why Psaki would make such a blatant lie in her book. 

Either she knew it was a lie and said it anyway, or she believed it because she lives in a bubble and echo chamber filled with Team Biden lies, didn't bother fact-checking it.

Either way, it shows the absolute disregard Psaki, and the rest of Team Biden, have for the truth – even when it involves 13 dead American warriors. (RELATED: Pentagon Lied About Deadly Terror Attack On Marines At Kabul Airport)

But Psaki's account is part of a larger pattern of Biden officials lying to recast the administration's botched handling of the deadly Afghan retreat.

As Axios notes: “Last year when a reporter asked White House spokesperson John Kirby about the ‘chaotic process of evacuation,' Kirby defended the effort on the ground and said that ‘for all this talk of chaos, I just didn't see it, not from my perch.'”

As someone who was intimately involved in veterans' efforts to help our allies escape the Taliban, I can safely say – that's just ‘bulls**t.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespohttps://paulcrespo.com/
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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