US Isn’t Just Fighting ISIS In Syria – It’s A Proxy War Against Iran

Gisorr650, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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is in turmoil as lines have been sabotaged in a shocking attack right before today's Olympics opening ceremony. This massive disruption, reported by Fox News, saw arsonists set fire to signal cables, causing chaos across 's extensive high-speed rail network. Three out of the four main lines connecting Paris are now out of service, leaving travelers stranded and authorities scrambling.

The sabotage has thrown travel plans into disarray for hundreds of thousands. Société Nationale des Chemins de fer.

TUESDAY  – Despite former president 's attempt to pull U.S. troops from Syria, calling it a ‘forever war,' we need to stay there to contain the terrorist regime in Tehran.

How the US mission in Syria evolved into a proxy war with Iran. Iran sees Syria as vital to its mission of driving the U.S. out of the Middle East. The U.S. has roughly 900 troops in Syria to fight the Islamic State group, but they also currently face a familiar adversary: Revolutionary Iran.

Most recently, the U.S. government has blamed Iranian-backed groups for several attacks against American service members deployed to Syria, including a March 23 suicide drone attack on a coalition base in Hasakah that killed an American contractor and wounded five U.S. service members.

The drone was “of Iranian origin” fired by “groups affiliated with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).”

AND WHAT IS BIDEN DOING? NOT MUCH – Biden officials hold off on more airstrikes in Syria, for now. Team Biden says it is seeking to avoid a wider war with Iran and its proxies while protecting U.S. personnel from attacks.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here's a roundup of other developing stories.

Not the President's Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL'S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB:


STOP TAXPAYER-FUNDED AND ABORTION TRAVEL – Senate Democrats urge Pentagon to safeguard abortion access. The majority of Senate Democrats on Monday pressed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to maintain access to abortion care for service members and their dependents, warning that restricting such care could hurt national security. AND NO, IT DOESN'T HURT ‘NATIONAL SECURITY.'


The military's blame game over the Chinese spy balloon spills into the open. Testimony from a top general “has revealed glaring inconsistencies” with Pentagon leaders, a top lawmaker said.

At least 50 US government employees targeted with phone spyware overseas. The revelation comes as the White House bans federal agencies from using spyware that poses national security and human rights risks.


Any perception that China doesn't affect NATO is invalid. America's most significant challenge in the 21st century is the strategic rivalry with the Peoples' Republic of China in the Indo-Pacific region.

Supply chain issues impede mass production of new Chinese engine. China has completed the development of its next generation of indigenous military aircraft engines and will start mass production once supply chain issues with advanced alloys are resolved.


Germany sends much-awaited Leopard tanks. The first shipment of Leopard 2 tanks from Germany has finally been sent to Ukraine.

Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 398. Russian leader Vladimir Putin says Western criticism will not influence Russia's alleged plans to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in neighboring Belarus. The UN Security Council has rejected a resolution by Russia calling for an independent inquiry into September's explosions at the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Ukraine allies see a way war can end but lack plan to achieve it. Hope is that a Ukrainian counteroffensive this spring gives Kyiv's forces such a battlefield advantage that Putin is nudged into peace talks.

A plan to lift the fog of war in Ukraine? It's in the cards. To help soldiers quickly distinguish friend from foe, the Pentagon is issuing playing cards with pictures of 52 different NATO weapons systems.


North Korea unveils new nuclear warheads as US carrier arrives in South. It unveiled new, smaller nuclear warheads and vowed to produce more weapons-grade nuclear material to expand the country's arsenal. This, as a U.S. aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea for military drills.


Russia test fires supersonic missiles at target in Sea of Japan. Its navy fired supersonic anti-ship missiles at a mock target in the Sea of Japan.

Israel's ‘fired' defense chief hangs on as Netanyahu hits pause. The defense chief whose dismissal by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu brought the country's political crisis to a climax is remaining in office until further notice, suggesting government indecision on how to proceed.

US VP begins Africa tour, announces security aid in Ghana. The U.S. pledged help for Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast and Togo to tackle violent groups and instability.


Space Force should prepare for the threat we have — not the one we prefer. Western military analysts believe that, because the Russians haven't employed “hard kill” space weapons, and instead have used reversible counter-space systems such as jammers and cyber-attacks, any future war with China likely will follow that equation. Don't bet on it.

US allies in the Middle East express interest in establishing space forces. And they have sought advice from the U.S. on how to accomplish this goal, said the commander of U.S. Space Forces Central.


Elite Army Rangers train in Hawaii as Pacific interest grows. Rangers are considered some of the Army's best-trained and most capable soldiers.

Air Force wish list: Accelerate E-7 ‘Wedgetail' AWACS production, extend F-15EX range, buy new radars for F-16s. The service's “unfunded priorities” list also includes $1.2 billion for 21 military construction projects.

Coast Guard wants $1.6 billion extra to hasten modernization projects. The service released a $1.57 billion wish list to lawmakers that prioritizes “rebuilding operational capability” as it continues a hefty modernization push to enable more complex missions.

SASC sea power chair Kaine: ‘All systems go' to support Marines' 31 amphibs. Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., also stated that he is “likely” to receive the Navy's updated 30-year shipbuilding plan “in the next day or so.”

Is the Army's $117 million rebranding dead after Jonathan Majors' arrest? The future of the Army's major rebrand effort remained in limbo Monday.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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