Wednesday, July 3, 2024

US Rushing To Counter China Threat In Pacific


TUESDAY – US, Philippines expand exercise to territorial edges amid tension with China. A Philippine fishing vessel was traversing Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea when two Chinese Coast Guard ships fired water cannons at both sides of the boat.

SO WHAT IF THEY DID?! – Philippines says troops held weapons but did not point at Chinese coast guard. Philippine troops stationed on a warship grounded on a disputed South China Sea shoal held their weapons after Chinese coast guard boats came very close to the ship but they did not point their guns at them.

US Defense Secretary visits Cambodia as it moves closer to Beijing. Lloyd Austin's brief visit is aimed at reversing some of the gains China has made in the country amid Beijing's growing presence at a key Cambodian naval base.

FOR YOUR EYES ONLY – Here's a roundup of today's other top defense stories from conservative national security expert PAUL CRESPO.

Not the President's Daily Brief, but almost as good – PAUL'S DAILY BRIEFING – the PDB:


The biggest undertaking by mankind in the history of the world. Shortly after the D-Day invasion started 80 years ago this week, Supreme Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower — walking the Normandy beaches with his son 2nd Lt. John Eisenhower — said this: “If I didn't have air supremacy, I wouldn't be here.”

Remembering D-Day: Key facts and figures about the invasion that changed the course of World War II. The June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France was unprecedented in scale and audacity, using the largest-ever armada of ships, troops, planes and vehicles to punch a hole in Adolf Hitler's defenses in western Europe.


Unleashing innovation: The case for a drone operator branch in the US Army. Despite the Army's reservations, a new drone corps could be good for innovation.

Air Force Senior Airman Elora J. McCutcheon, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

AI regulators fear getting drowned out by hype of wars. A fighter jet hurtles toward an adversary head-on. Mere moments before a collision, it swerves — but not before dealing a lethal blow to its opponent.

The failed Gaza pier proves our military isn't prepared for extreme weather. The U.S. Army's recent failures with its $320 million floating pier to deliver aid into Gaza is a warning that the Pentagon is failing to deal with weather-related hazards.


Mother of airman killed by Florida deputy says firing is not justice. The Air Force airman was fatally shot in the doorway of his home by a sheriff's deputy.

Command senior chief convicted for unauthorized Wi-Fi on her ship. The member of littoral combat ship (LCS) USS Manchester's gold crew pleaded guilty to charges that she installed the unsecure Wi-Fi system aboard the ship and then lied about it to superiors.


JUST GETS WORSE EVERY DAY UNDER – Army officer is first to get approval for traditional Samoan hand tattoos. Small arrows, birds and stars adorn the tops of the soldier's hands and fingers. The markings are no ordinary tattoos, but symbols of traditional “tatau” found among the people of the Polynesian island country Samoa. YOU AREN'T IN SAMOA!

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

WOOHOO! – Ceremony at elite Army SOF school interrupted by pornographic content. The Army is investigating how pornographic content aired during a video livestream of a special forces training change of command ceremony on Thursday.

GOP MUST FIGHT FOR IT – White House threatens to veto VA, military construction spending bill over GOP policies. This, over GOP-backed riders that would undo VA policies on LGBTQ+ veterans and abortion.

LOL! – VP Kamala Harris will represent the US at a Swiss ‘peace summit' for Ukraine.


ISRAEL SAYS OTHERWISE – Biden takes a big swing at hostage-for-truce deal, puts onus on Israeli, Hamas officials to step up. Team Biden says the decision to make public what it describes as an Israeli proposal — just one day after it was delivered to Hamas — was driven by a desire to put Hamas on the spot. (RELATED: Israel's Gaza Refugee Camp ‘Massacre' Caused By Hamas Bombs: Report)


Pentagon contracts reveal US prep for multinational force in Haiti, down to toothbrushes and WiFi. This, as preparations accelerate for a multinational security force to deploy to Haiti.

US, South Korean medics train to treat patients wounded in chemical, biological attacks. Soldiers with the 2nd Infantry Division recently joined South Korean army officers for a team building and barrier-busting exercise in combat first aid.


Iran's proxies in Iraq are firing at Israel. What if they draw blood? Iran-backed Shi'ite terror groups in Iraq have ramped up rocket and missile attacks on Israel in recent weeks, raising concerns in Washington and among some Iranian allies of potential Israeli retaliation and regional escalation should they draw blood.

Mohsenyan, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons


NATO to unveil Ukraine security package as ‘bridge' to membership. It will offer the package this summer, though it's expected to stop short of accepting the nation's long-standing request for membership.

Macron is considering a risky plan in Ukraine. What if Putin calls his bluff? Until now, the West has ruled out sending troops to Ukraine. France's Emmanuel Macron has other ideas.


Space Force must address cybersecurity in commercial acquisitions. Space systems have traditionally remained secure due to a relatively low-threat environment. But U.S. military space assets are increasingly at risk of incapacitation or destruction. Creating resilient space systems is imperative for America's front line of defense in space. (RELATED: Putin's New ‘Satellite Killer' Now In ‘Same Orbit' As US Spacecraft)

U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Ryan Quijas, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


Up to 23 NATO members could hit defense spending benchmark in 2024, US ambassador to alliance says. The number of NATO members meeting the military alliance's defense spending benchmark could reach an all-time high prompted by the war in Ukraine. AND FROM EARLIER HARD PRESSURE FROM TRUMP.

Australia's military will recruit some noncitizens in a bid to boost troop numbers. But only those from member states of the Five Eyes intelligence-sharing partnership (US, UK, Canada and New Zealand) who hold Australian permanent residency will be eligible.


A combat controller earned a secret Air Force Cross for battle with Russian mercenaries. A few dozen American troops repelled hundreds of Wagner and pro-Assad forces in the Battle of Khasham in 2018. Close air support was key., CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The history of the US Army's birthday. As one of the oldest and most trusted institutions in the country, the Army's birthday is a time to recognize the service and sacrifices of the soldiers who have defended the nation throughout its history.


The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.

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