Barr Turns on Trump in New Memoir

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.) ignored questions on Wednesday on whether she supports Vice President  for president.

“Do you endorse Kamala Harris for president,” Gluesenkamp Perez was asked as she walked down the street in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. 

The Washington Democrat is widely considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats facing re-election in November.

The congresswoman was asked several more times.

There've been a number of high-ranking former Trump administration officials who've turned on their old boss. From former Defense Secretary James Mattis to longtime White House chief of staff John Kelly the list is almost as long as their criticisms.

Now, former U.S. Attorney General William “Bill” Barr is officially adding his name to that list.

Barr's new memoir is a scathing indictment of the former president and his leadership abilities. Although it's unlikely to change any minds, it has burned whatever remained of the bridge between Barr and Trump.

As The Hill reports:

Former Attorney General William Barr writes in his forthcoming memoir that former President Trump “lost his grip” after the , also urging the Republican Party to find a different candidate for 2024, The New York Times reported.

In his new memoir, “One Damn Thing After Another: Memoirs of an Attorney General,” Barr repeatedly knocks Trump, whom he fell out with amid the former president's claims of election fraud.

“He stopped listening to his advisers, became manic and unreasonable, and was off the rails,” Barr writes in his memoir, per the Times. “He surrounded himself with sycophants, including many whack jobs from outside the government, who fed him a steady diet of comforting but unsupported conspiracy theories.”

Barr chronicles how his relationship with Trump soured rapidly after he told the Associated Press in a Dec. 1, 2020 article that the Department of Justice found nothing to substantiate Trump's election fraud claims.

Barr adds that he's “dismayed” by the prospect of a future Trump presidential run. He urges Republicans to find another nominee in 2024.

Despite Barr's dramatically changed tune, many liberals have wasted no time chastising him for, in their view, enabling Trump for so long. One commentator even compared him to a lapdog who turned on his master.

The conservative lawyer spends a portion of his 600 page book attempting to defend himself from accusations that he shielded Trump and his most steadfast aides, contending that he intervened on behalf of targets in the Mueller probe because federal prosecutors overreached.

The New York Posts adds:

“Predictably our motion to dismiss the charges led to an election-year media onslaught, flogging the old theme that I was doing this as a favor to Trump,” ​he wrote in the book. “But I concluded the handling of the Flynn matter by the FBI had been an abuse of power that no responsible AG could let stand.”​

Barr's memoir hits shelves March 8.


    Mr Barr unless we get some honest answers this man has turned into a first class Rino. He doesn’t think the 2021 election was stolen i wonder when he crawled out from under a rock.Look Biden has been one disaster one after another, i can only hope the Repubs. & some smart Democrats stop this insane Biden & cabinet before our country is toast.

    Andy Volk

    Oh heck yeah. Let’s find a REAL politician to run for President in 2024 so we can go back to the “good ole days” and corruption can run wild again even more. No one politician or family has yet to be prosecuted for as much as spitting on the sidewalk.


    How do you not see it? Why in the heck do you give trump and sort of credit? Everyone around him has come out and basically said he is a delusional old pariah. Blindly following chump will get the Republican Party nothing but grief. What is more likely? The election was stolen, there is no proof and all delusional Donald’s allies turn on him? -OR- He’s a paranoid psychopath who started telling everyone the election was going to be stolen before it happened because he knew he was going to lose? The Republican Party is in shambles thanks the chump, Cruze, MTG, desantis and the bunch. I’m embarrassed, Ronald Regan would be and you all should be as well.


    Barr states the OBVIOUS. Trump policies were great for the country – I voted for him twice. But, Trump – especially after Nov. 3 – lost the Ga. senate, lost the country for national Republicans, and he lost the presidency by his performances in debate #1 and those disastrous COVID pressers. He MUST NOT RUN. Trump, the person, is the only thing that can lose the next presidential election for Repubs., and hand us 4 years of USA destroying Dem. rule. The majority of electoral votes will never again go to this man who now resembles a clown more than a leader – again, I restate that I voted for him twice, I cannot do it again. There are better choices.


      Exactly! So many of us feel the same. Real Republicans wash that stink off them. Until he’s gone our party is fractured. Call me a Rino….oh no, I’m a Republican. Trump is from the nut job party.


    Consider the lies that the President was up against from before he took office. Then consider that he was surrounded by people that allowed the false accusations to be carried on for over 2 years. Why didn’t Bill Barr release information showing that the President was framed by Hillary Clinton. All these people served under prior administrations, could they have Skeltons they want to remain concealed and they fear that President Trump won’t cover the crimes for them but would call them out and given the treatment he was given he has plenty of reason to allow every one of them to be exposed.

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