Your feel-good video of the day comes from an elementary school in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Feel the goosebumps on your arms as you watch children, no older than seven, squeal with delight after being told by their relieved teacher they no longer have to wear a mask to school.
Keep in mind that's all they've ever known. (RELATED: Infographic: Making Children Mask is Misguided Health Policy)
Hot Air's Allahpundit reports:
Nevada's Democratic governor, Steve Sisolak, surprised his constituents by abruptly announcing yesterday that the state mask mandate would be lifted — for everyone, adults and kids, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. Go figure that with thousands of gamblers expected in Vegas this weekend for the Super Bowl, the governor didn't want anyone who's prepared to throw money around turned away from casinos or restaurants due to a mask policy.
Lifting the state mask mandate didn't mean local mask mandates would also lift, though. On the contrary, like Phil Murphy in New Jersey, Sisolak made a point of saying that school boards are free to impose their own rules. The Clark County School District soon followed his announcement by announcing that they'd drop their mandate too, though, setting off this scene worthy of a Super Bowl victory.
Sisolak's up for reelection in less than nine months in a state Biden won by less than three points. Not that that had anything to do with his calculations about mandates, of course.
Biden was asked by Lester Holt in his new interview with NBC whether he supports Democratic governors like Sisolak who dropped mandates this past week. That's a tricky question for him because it traps him between his duties to two different constituencies. On the one hand, he wants to maximize his party's chances of winning this fall, which means responding to the public's COVID fatigue by loosening restrictions. On the other hand, he's the head of the federal science bureaucracy and his bureaucrats aren't ready to pull the plug on mask mandates. What answer should he give?
Here's what he said.
Democratic governors are clearly spooked by reports from focus groups, showing swing voters are fed up with having to make drastic changes to their lives.
However, their abrupt policy shift threatens to leave neither side fully satisfied. COVID virtue signalers and hypochondriacs will no doubt be upset that governors they typically support aren't following the CDC. Meanwhile, independents and Republicans are liable to loudly complain if local school boards continue to impose draconian mask mandates. (RELATED: Perspective: Gut Check on COVID-19 Risk)
High-profile governors can try to wash their hands of the dilemma they find themselves in, but that may only go so far.
The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.