WHO Chief Urges Governments to Bring Back COVID Rules

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.) ignored questions on Wednesday on whether she supports Vice President  for president.

“Do you endorse Kamala Harris for president,” Gluesenkamp Perez was asked as she walked down the street in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. 

The Washington Democrat is widely considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats facing re-election in November.

The congresswoman was asked several more times.

(WHO) Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has a new message for governments around the world, bring back mandatory coronavirus rules to fight the “increasing trend of deaths.”

So far, Ghebreyesus' pleas to mask up have been cast aside by exhausted governments and citizens who have abandoned strict restrictions.

While America's aversion to big government makes us as a whole more resistant to Ghebreyesus' claims that the pandemic is “nowhere near over,” officials in countries like the United Kingdom have said future lockdowns may be warranted if rising cases from new variants overwhelm the healthcare system.

Britain's Sky News has more on Ghebreyesus' call to reimpose COVID rules:

Among the variants and subvariants being tracked by the WHO is BA.2.75 – nicknamed the centaurus – which was first discovered in India in May.

Scientists say the variant may be able to spread rapidly and get around immunity from vaccines and previous infection.

Dr. Ghebreyesus outlined several “interlinked challenges” now facing the global response to coronavirus, including the Omicron sub-variants and reduced testing and sequencing.

He added: “There is a major disconnect in COVID-19 risk perception between scientific communities, political leaders and the general public.

Sky News' reporting suggests there's a possibility that cities like London could reimpose mandatory mask wearing. Are you worried that could happen in America, too? As always, tell us your thoughts in the comments below!


    Tedros is an idiot and I’ll explain exactly why.

    1. Deaths from COVID almost exclusively occur in people who are at high risk for dying–the aged and those with multiple pre-existing comorbidities. The CDC has reported that over 75% of those who have died had FOUR OR MORE comorbidities. Almost all had 2 or more!
    2. The current variants while they are infectious, are much less potent and likely to cause hospitalization–much less death.
    3. The science says that things like masks and vaccines have no significant impact on infections with the current variants–so why advocate a return to that which is known to not work?
    4. In my county in the 2 1/2 years since the onset of COVID the number of deaths attributed to COVID only amount to about 3% of the expected deaths given population, expected lifespan, and history. ONLY 3%! Tedros wants to turn the whole world upside down again for what is a fraction of that number. Ludicrous!

    Tedros is once again calling for a sledgehammer when what is called for is a surgeon’s scalpel.


    The “vaccines” are the real virus. They are meant to kill.

      Kathy l Johnson

      thats what i have been saying part of the new world order biden speaks of


    The WHO shouldn’t be running the US!!! We have a delusional derelict doing that now!!! We don’t need United Nations doing it!!! NO MASKS!!!!

    Mike Faris

    The WHO is a joke. I will never believe in that organization again.


    I am not convinced that masking of the general public is of any value.


    This WHO commie twit can shove it. Shove it to the point where your proctologist will not find it.

    Like fauci, the USA is completely done with these POS frauds.

      John A Owen

      Masks only work against droplets which can be absorbed through the eyes.

    Shirley vercelli

    T here will be a phony lock down and mask requirement by late October so people are forced to vote by mail! You can smell the rotting Democrat brains trying to figure out how not to loose the House of Reps. And possibly even the senate!

    Orange peel

    WHO can take their lock downs and shove it. We in America are done with the lies and terrorism from this group. They don’t care about any human beings. They want money and control. We are done with the dictator Biden. He’s on his last leg. Biden is a buffoon abusing children in the woods. WHO IS NOTHING BUT DIRTY MEN!


    Bullsh## Tell this idiot to take a long walk off a short pier!


    Stick Covid where the sun does not shine! W.H.O.? You, you assho@e

    John A Owen

    “Give me money, I want your money, It’s all my money!” Typical chant from this Communist Lapdog of the CCP!


    NO WAY! The WHO is the last organization we should listen to! No more shutdowns, no more masks, no more closed businesses, no more school shutdowns. We’ll take our chances like we have for years for flus and other diseases. Freedom is here to stay!

    Stephen Russell

    Notice timing: for US Midterms ahead & ALL for Power & Control


    Everything that’s happened is result of them releasing a dangerous virus to be able to allow for mail in voting so that they could overturn an election by cheating. Everything they’ve done is because we mean nothing to them we meant so little to them that they had no problem killing us with their virus and then they use the vaccine to continue killing us. Everything they’ve done was designed to wreck the economy to wreck people’s lives to turn the good that was going on all over the world into a gigantic man-made catastrophe. And now it’s really pathetic that they actually come out want to help people that they purposely caused great damage and harm to. They destroyed the economy of a lot of struggling Nations and it’s what they wanted. This was no accident it was planned and it was implemented by a gigantic conspiracy of people controlled by governments that have no problem using viruses, vaccines, and hospitals to carry out killing people and making it look like they actually tried helping you. It’s called deceit it’s called deception and they didn’t care who was destroyed by their efforts. And the madness continues with this kind of subterfuge perpetrated on the masses by the media that they own and they can lie and deceive you all they want. They’re not done yet either they’ll release more viruses more Death causing vaccines because that’s their agenda. Good luck to all of us because so far we’ve just let em have their way with us.

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