Five Key Takeaways for Republicans From Our Latest Poll

U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- July 26, 2024
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Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.) ignored questions on Wednesday on whether she supports Vice President  for president.

“Do you endorse Kamala Harris for president,” Gluesenkamp Perez was asked as she walked down the street in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C. on Wednesday. 

The Washington Democrat is widely considered one of the most vulnerable Democrats facing re-election in November.

The congresswoman was asked several more times.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

The 2022 midterms are coming closer. Although Democrats won the biggest prize in 2020, Republicans are poised to make substantial gains this cycle. Of course, nothing is set in stone and if conservative politicians should know anything, it's this:

Being right is not sufficient to win.

We owe it our values, our children and future generations to learn how to win.

It was with that mindset in mind that we at American Liberty News decided to conduct a 2022 elections and issues survey.

Your answers helped us to cover the news, elections and issues that matter most.

They also provide a window for elected Republicans to see what inspires and excites the base.

Unfortunately, not every like-minded politician is as in-tune with the needs of the grassroots. But we know that they are the heart and soul of our movement.

Here's what we found in our survey.

Constitutional Rights and Are the Two Most Important Issues

“It's the economy, stupid,” became the Clinton campaign's catch-phrase in the 1992 presidential election. While the economy will undoubtedly motivate some people to vote, 65% of those who voted in our poll said that constitutional rights (gun rights, freedom of speech, right to assemble and checks on federal power) was the most important issue.

Coming in a clear second was crime at 43%.

instinctively knew the value of using the issues that matter most to people to motivate them to vote. His messaging on border security and bringing back American jobs turned culturally conservative Americans who voted infrequently (and in some cases for Democrats) into strong Trump supporters. Glenn Youngkin did the same thing in Virginia by rallying around the issue of parental rights.

It seems clear to us that if Republicans want to continue to turn out this new coalition of working class voters, they must to continue to emphasize that they're standing up for ordinary people against power-hungry politicians.

All Eyes Are on Battleground States in 2022

Conservatives are pragmatic. Republican infighting takes a distant second to the races that will decide which party controls the U.S. House and Senate in 2022.

Among the races we included, you choose Georgia's governor's race as this years' most important, followed closely by the race for Pennsylvania's open Senate seat.

Both will undoubtedly be important. Whether Peach State Republicans select Brian Kemp or David Perdue, we'll all need to rally behind the nominee.

Democrats of all stripes will line up behind election conspiracy theorist Stacey Abrams.

Unfortunately, Democrats do a better job of keeping their coalition together. The must realize that populists, paleoconservatives and libertarians will always differ on specific issues. We must do what the left does, and prioritize our shared values over petty squabbles.

Election Night 2022 Looks Pretty Good (Fingers Crossed)

Like most observers, you believe Republicans will win back control of the U.S. House of Representatives. And, like a growing number of pundits, you think a red wave on election night could give the GOP the majority in U.S. Senate.

On the issues, Republicans have an undeniably strong hand. Last fall a poll commissioned by a super PAC found that only 18% of persuadable voters thought the economy was improving under Democrats. Of course, things have only gotten worse since.

In former bellwether states, like Iowa and Florida, Biden's popularity is in the metaphorical toilet. In fact, a Suffolk University/USA TODAY survey of Florida voters released Wednesday showed Biden with 39% approval rating in the Sunshine State.

Obviously, none of this means diddly you're complacent. We have nine months until the election. Although that's a short period of time for you and me, that's an eon in . And there are plenty of threats facing the GOP.

Your biggest concerns with the elections approaching are the hostile media/tech environment (censorship, spin) at 55% and the possibility of fraud at 30%.

We saw last time how Big Tech and the mainstream media censored the Hunter Biden laptop scandal before the election. Facebook and Twitter went so far as to create algorithms that censored the few articles written about the laptop's incriminating hard drive.

While it's undeniably frustrating, the growth of conservative outlets and new social media platforms will continue to dilute the power of the media's old guard. There's more to be optimistic about that ever before.

Meanwhile, in states like Georgia, Democrats are calling Republican laws that put modest restrictions on absentee voting (while providing more opportunities for early voting) the new Jim Crow.

This is why we fight.

Trump Will Be the 2024 Nominee… Or Will He?

Fifty-four percent of respondents think Donald Trump will be the Republican Party's nominee for president in 2024. At the same time, 33% went with Ron DeSantis and 11% choose other.

The numbers suggest that there's a sizable chuck of Republicans, perhaps a majority when persuadable primary voters are included, who admire Trump but under the right circumstances may feel that it's time to move on.

Everybody Hates Joe

It's no surprise that 's approval rating is at an abysmal 2% with our readers. While it's higher with the general public, the president's ratings have remained far below average. Compared to other presidents included in CNN or Gallup's liberal surveys, Biden has only polled better than Donald Trump at this point.

While Democrats argue (with some truth) that Biden has time to turn things around, the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll shows the commander-in-chief approval rating has plummeted to a new low.

So, what do you think about our survey? And how excited are you to vote in the midterm elections?

And if you haven't already, CLICK HERE to take our one minute survey to help us better serve you and the liberty movement!

    Dave Norby

    The various winds are definitely changing from 2020 towards the Republican side. Do not forget that the Democrats own the voting machines, media, newspapers, cable news networks, precincts, election commissions, etc. Unless every Republican that really cares gets involved in working on this election we will loose once again. I have signed up for working at my local polling place for the next three years. Get involved in phone lines, yard signs, door to door canvassing, etc. Get away from that stupid TV and get to work!

      Gus Richards

      All those things are good, and will help in our quest to regain control of the house and senate, but we will surely lose in 2024 if we pick Trump as our candidate. The hate Trump thoughts and feelings are very widespread across this country, and the democrats have done an excellent job of keeping that hate alive. He might win the republicans votes but we need more than that to have a republican elected president again. If we can’t pull in the independents and the democrats that are fed up with Biden, Pelosi, and Schumer, then we don’t have the numbers to win.


    Hate Trump all you want but Trump was right about everything. All the dark money going to the Dems shouldn’t have an effect on who wins an election. Do you want health mandates, unending vaccines, inflation, indoctrination in our education system and a military DOD that wants a war so they can earn their next star. All enlisted should beware of being sent to defend against Russia. You may end up coming home like the 13 brave soldiers who aren’t even talked about.

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