Biden to Deliver Unscheduled Speech on Threats to Democracy Today

Firdaus Latif, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
American Liberty News
- September 19, 2024
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ANALYSIS – Well done! – While the -backed, -based terror group was still reeling from Tuesday's sophisticated massive remote attack on hundreds of its members' pagers, got hit again.

This time its members' handheld radios were targeted and remote detonated almost at the same time.

Hezbollah's Al Manar TV reported explosions in multiple areas of Lebanon, which it said were caused by detonating walkie-talkies.

As the Epoch Times reported: “At least one of the blasts occurred.

President is going to deliver an unscheduled speech at Washington, D.C.'s Union Station tonight, mere blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

The speech comes amid speculation that Biden is attempting to blunt the forecasted red wave by warning about the supposed “GOP threat” to Democracy. Pundits believe Biden is attempting to raise the stakes for undecided voters and Democrats lacking enthusiasm on the eve of this year's elections.

White House advisors Antia Dunn and Jen O'Malley Dillon announced the news Wednesday morning.

“It's from Capitol Hill because that's where there was an attempt to subvert our Democracy,” Dunn said. Biden has repeatedly said that “Democracy is on the ballot” this year.

POLITICO further reports:

Biden's speech will come in the wake of the brutal beating of the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and against the backdrop of several Republican election deniers standing a chance to win in next week's midterms.

It's become a familiar theme for Biden, who delivered a stark message in September about extreme Republicans challenging the foundations of democracy. He also has repeatedly said that he launched his presidential campaign because he felt then-President was tearing the nation's very fabric.

Biden's advisors had hoped to make his closing campaign argument about economy and inflation but could not ignore the confluence of dark conspiracies that have further tested the nation's stability.

This story is developing. Stay with American Liberty News for the latest updates.

READ NEXT: Hunter Biden Deals Were National Security Threat and Joe Biden Was Involved, Congressional Investigator Reveals >>


    The only real threat to our Republic is Joe Biden and his leftist, national socialist democrat party.


      You took the words outa my mouth! Bravo! Comrade Joe..or is it Commissar Joe? CHAIRMAN Joe?


    Biden’s been useless his whole career so why should I listen to any more of his idiocy?


      Joe is long overdue for his eternity in everlasting fire and brimstone!

    Stacy M

    So, Biden is speaking at the location that symbolizes the suppression of efforts to root out and eliminate fraud in our electoral process. What is he going to do, announce that elections are now suspended and he is dictator for life?


      Luckily it will a very short lifetime dictatorship for the dunce Biden! Death and eternity in hell is a short time away for Biden.

      Gus Richards

      He might well say those words, but everyone knows that they aren’t his words, they belong to his backers, you know, obama and his money backers. Joe is pretty much brain dead so the only thing he can do, or say, is what he’s told. That’s just one more reason to purge him and all the left wing democrats in our government before they destroy our republic and put their version of a socialist government in it’s place.


    I think dementia Joe is scared that if the republicans sweep the House and Senate he and crackhead Hunter are going to prison!


    Biden’s speech: I have THREE words for you. “We’re Screwed!” LOL!


      Because there is zero truth in a vile disgusting child of the Devil like dunce Biden!

    Philip Seth Hammersley

    It’s Biden and his goons who are the “Threat to democracy.” Plus, we are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy!

    Sue s

    Yeah he’s going to say it’s the end of democracy if republicans get control. Once again accusing republicans of what democrats do! Wouldn’t it be great if no one watched?


      Hey Biden , here is a flash for you , we do not have a democracy and are not a democracy . Never have been . We were founded as a Constitutional Republic governed by a democraticly elected government .
      Just because you have had a brain fart and your commie pals think you should make a speech on the matter does not change the fact that we are a Republic always have been . Now pull your head out of that body cavity you have it stuffed and tell your pals . It would seem that they are as ignorant as you .

    Richard Hennessy

    BIDEN giving a speech on democracy? How about one on all his and Obama’s unconstitutional actions. abusing the Congress’s authority to approve or disapprove all those actions they have taken without authority, like the forgiving of student loan repayments owed to taxpayers who will have to replace that money given away.


      The more Biden runs his filthy unclean sewer mouth the more punishment and damnation on his vile head when he gets to hell for eternity!


    IMHO, this will be another “fake-news”, republican-bashing speech by the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue aimed at scaring the under- and mis-informed through innuendo, supposition and the normal left-wing vitriolic rhetoric to irresponsibly paint republicans as “a danger to democracy” and try to prop up the radical agenda the democrats have engaged in which has failed miserably and placed our country in dire circumstances………but that’s just my opinion


      Look dunce and Marlarkey in the dictionary and Biden’s picture is there too.

    Tim Thompson

    Come on now, Biden is the threat to our Democracy 100%. He’s working it seems for the Chinese, giving them our oil reserves, giving Iran possible billions of dollars and a Nuke capability. Yes, he’s the threat and with his pick for VP based solely on her color we get what we get, incompetence and someone not fit to be President in case Old Joe takes a dive.


    Here we go again! Fraud Joe babbling nonsense while his Oval Office buddy ( druggie Obama) is out and about screaming at numb heads about social security and Medicare. Only fools support these thieving nuts.


    Enjoy your damnation, torment and punishment in the lowest hottest hell for eternity you vile senile disgusting dunce! And more than deserve it too!


    I think the majority of voters, Rep, Dem, Independent, Unaffiliated, et al, would be, and are, more discerning about what he says to degrade and denigrate the opposition than he/they are anticipating. Biden, in particular, and the Democrat Party in general seem to think that the voting populace is dumb, ignorant, and blind to their rhetoric of demonizing anyone and everyone not in lockstep with their narratives, especially 2/3rds (not just 1/2 when you include Republicans specifically, with undecided and independents) of the voters…it’s a losing strategy to attempt to divide and isolate people…I can’t imagine why they (his handlers) are allowing him to do this only 6 days before the election…

    Cletus Eugene Blythe

    Will Biden’s coming speech be a redux of his Nazi-inspired speech of a few months ago with black background and red curtains and lighting? Perhaps with silhouettes of the J6 prisoners rotting away in his DC prison camp, or a pile of aborted fetuses. He can surround him with skulls this time, flanked by a couple of his minions giving the straight-arm salute..


    biden and the communiest are the threat to democracy they don’t care about the constitution or our bill of rights all they want is to destory our nation and power


    All Joe Biden has to do to see the number one threat to democracy is to look in a mirror.

    Yolanda Sylvester

    Once again, our Republic is under a national security alert by that Apostasy Joe Biden’s speech. I betcha ObamaJoe will not talk about the proposed amendments(IHR) that he handed over to the WHO, which will take away the sovereignty of our Republic and according to, James [email protected], the WHO is keeping these documents secrets, on Jan 18th 2022, he won’t discuss EO 14067 Biden’s effort to sink the US Dollar for the Digital Dollar. How about EO 14019 “GET OUT THE VOTE” scheme, that favors the Democrats to use the administrative agencies for never-ending voter registration. It goes on and on. Enjoy the show.

    Yolanda Sylvester

    Will Biden include the amendments proposals that he handed to WHO on Jan 18th, and according to [email protected], those amendments are being kept secret by the WHO. Let me be clear, these amendments will take away our Republics sovereignty. Will Joseph Robert Bobblehead Biden, make a speech on that?

    Yolanda Sylvester

    The only supporter who will tune in and watch Biden, is Jill. His speech should include withdrawing the US out of the World Health Organization.


    First of all, the U.S. is not a democracy; we are (or are supposed to be) a constitutional republic. Threats to our republic, our freedom, our culture come directly from the Democrat party. In reality it is the communist party. No impromptu speech or speeches from this illicit occupant of the White House will do him or his party any good. It’s desperation on their part.


    “Democracy is the tyranny of the uninformed”
    -John Adams

    “The pervading evil of democracy is the tyranny of the majority, or rather of that party, not always the majority, that succeeds, by force or fraud, in carrying elections.”
    -Lord Acton

    So…yeah! Democracy is in trouble AS IT SHOULD BE! The Founders warned us about “democracy!” It’s a precursor to Socialism…a precursor to Communism! Neither is compatible with Freedom enjoyed by Americans for over 200 years in our Constitutional Republic!

    Democracy (as the Left uses it) is a TRAP!
    Shun pure democracy. It’s 2 wolves and a chicken voting on the dinner menu!

    You, are most assuredly…the chicken.


    Just more projection and gaslighting. It’s getting old and easier to see through. Do your research, consider everything that you and your loved ones have lived through in the last two years, and vote IN PERSON on November 8th!

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