A Fox News poll reports less than half of all Americans are confident in President Joe Biden's mental abilities. Whether those numbers are an outlier or represent a broader trend remains to be seen.
Per the Daily Caller:
Confidence in Biden's mental fitness has continuously dropped since July, when only 39% of Americans said he was mentally unfit. Just 49% of respondents to Monday's poll were confident that Biden is mentally fit enough to serve as president, while 48% believe he is not.
Fox said the poll, conducted Sept. 12 – 15, has a 3% margin of error. Democratic respondents to the poll also outnumbered Republican respondents 44% to 39%.
Swaths of Americans are turning sour on Biden's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the poll, with his disapproval rating sitting at 50%. Biden's current polling is among the lowest for any sitting president at this time in office, excepting former President Donald Trump, who sat at 38% approval his first year.
While Fox's survey on Biden's mental acuity stands alone, polls consistently show Biden with a disapproval rating above 50%, largely due to conditions in Afghanistan and the emergence of the delta variant.