Thursday, May 16, 2024

In New Strategy, Dem Gov. Asks Residents To Host Migrants As State’s Illegal Immigrant Population Spikes


Gov. (D) is asking for a huge favor from constituents already facing high and an excessive regulatory burden.

Host unhoused, newly-arrived migrant families who don't have a place to sleep as the state scrambles to solve its ongoing migrant housing crisis.

Massachusetts is a right-to-shelter state. (RELATED: Blue State About To Score Victory For Individual Liberty (Seriously))

Good Samaritans are asked to provide spare rooms or apartments for a few days or until longer-term accommodations can be arranged.

WBUR-FM Boston reports:

The new host family strategy comes as the state scrambles to expand shelter capacity and provide for an increasing number of homeless families. The state's new Family Welcome Center in Allston is tasked with recruiting, vetting and onboarding host families, as well as pairing them with families in need.

“This has previously been a practice among Resettlement Agencies and other volunteers who work to support new arrivals,” said Karissa Hand, press secretary for the Healey administration, in a statement. Host families are generally drawn from the community and volunteer networks, her statement said.

The state did not immediately respond to requests for information about the vetting process for hosts, and whether there are site visits to assess the safety of host's home. The state also did not provide information about how many families have been paired with hosts since the Family Welcome Center opened in late June. Local aid groups tell WBUR that several families have gone to host homes.

Advocates briefed on the program said host families are not compensated financially, but they are provided with things like gift cards, groceries and baby formula to help support the family that's being hosted.

Healey has worked with the state legislature to strengthen emergency assistance services to keep up with the influx of migrants from countries like , where brutal gang violence has millions living in fear. (RELATED: Violent Criminal ‘Mercifully' Freed By Top Dem Linked To Spine-Chilling Discoveries?!)

“Our administration is committed to ensuring that families in Massachusetts have access to the shelter, care, , food assistance and other services they need and that our communities have the resources to provide them,” Healey said recently. She added her administration looks forward to “meet this moment and deliver for the people of Massachusetts.”

Amid the disorganized response, plenty of work remains to be done.

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Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck
Patrick Houck is an avid political enthusiast based out of the Washington, D.C. metro area. His expertise is in campaigns and the use of targeted messaging to persuade voters. When not combing through the latest news, you can find him enjoying the company of family and friends or pursuing his love of photography.


  1. Real Massachusetts patriots like John Adams and Sam Adams are no doubt spinning in their graves like a top.

    • The governor’s mansion is a huge place. I’m guessing they could take in 20-30 families in (or more) and feed/house/clothe/entertain them etc. at OUR expense. No problem, no problem. Liberalism is a mental disease.

  2. Notice how the left always expect conservatives to make the real sacrifices for their stupid policies. I’m sorry, criminals and invaders aren’t welcome in my home. You’re the one who welcomed them with open arms, doesn’t the governor’s mansion have spare rooms?

    • And if not, maybe they can set up a temporary tent city around the gov’s mansion!
      Ha ha ha ha ha! Don’t be such a bunch of dweebs, Massachusetts Dems! Show the rest of the country how it’s done! Bwahahahahahahahaaa!!!

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha, the god worshiping, illegal criminal invader voters will still the valuables of the god worshiping demonrat criminal voters that allow the god worshiping, illegal criminal invader voters to live in their house and maybe the god worshiping, illegal criminal invader voters can evict the god worshiping, demonrat criminal voters from their own house, ha ha ha ha ha .

  4. Just when you think the left wing democrats couldn’t get any more stupid than they already are they go and prove you wrong. Of course this coming from such a ultra liberal socialist state something like this really is no surprise. Good luck finding someplace to house these hundreds of thousands of illegal invaders coming into our country every month does create a problem for the democrats of what to do with all of them. Gee, how about sending them all back across the border?

    • Nah, that’s too logical. Liberals ain’t that smart. They want Conservatives to accept and correct their screw-ups.

  5. Well, this is a nice turn…our Founding Fathers objected to England’s bloody King quartering his troops with us colonists against our will and despite our incapacity to host them, How is this tyrannical policy any different?

  6. Politicians make poor decisions, don’t follow our in-place laws without a plan and then want/expect the taxpayers to fix and fund their failures. The answer is no, stop enabling them and allowing them to break the law to begin with.

  7. What is the matter with our leaders in asking us to host illegals. Send them back to their home land. Legal immigrants only and support themselves

  8. I have a warning for the people of Massachusetts, if you take in the ILLEGALS you will regret it. Have you heard of the word SQUATTER?

  9. Each & every politician who voted for Biden’s immigration policy should be required to house these illegal immigrants!😡

  10. Gov. Healy has how many illegals in her personal house ? And, like all others breaking protecting citizens should be charged, impeached and dismissed.

  11. Why would anyone in the USA, take in a foreign invader into their home. Wouldn’t that be like treason against our country? Are there any brains left in this country?

    • And yet…it’s almost like they deserve what they’re getting, by being so stubbornly ignorant of the consequences. They’re not only willing to cheat in elections but bring in more people who despite their poor character, will supposedly add to their voter base, which they see as a good thing. But the traditional lack of “honor among thieves” will be their undoing.

  12. “Good Samaritans are asked to provide spare rooms or apartments for a few days or until longer-term accommodations can be arranged”

    And when they “overstay” their welcom and become squatters, you can take legal acion — at your expense, of course. Meanwhile, the illegals will have access to legal counsel, at state expense, which means you’ll be paying for that, too. By the time this is over, the squatter might even get your house or apartment. But I’d bet that the citizen would STILL vote Dem!

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