Monday, June 24, 2024

Minnesota GOP Endorses Former NBA Player To Take On Democrat Senator


The has endorsed longshot candidate and former NBA player to face off against Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D).

White, who was widely viewed as an underdog going into the party's convention, capitalized on a grassroots, populist campaign to secure about two-thirds of the party's delegates for endorsement over the weekend.

White previously made a run at Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-Minn.) seat in 2022, but lost the GOP primary despite backing from former senior Trump adviser . He was introduced at the GOP conference Saturday by a video message from Bannon.

“The reality is we need people now more than ever that can't be bought,” White said after receiving the endorsement. “They don't have a price and I can't stress that to you enough.”

During his time in the Big3, White famously wrote political messages on his head for viewers at home to see. That included messages like “Trump won” — referring to the 2020 election — and “Protect RFK Jr.”

White faces an uphill battle challenging Klobuchar, the Cook Political Report considers her seat “solid D,” its strongest rating towards Democrats.

The Hill noted that the Minnesota GOP granted its endorsement with “reservations,” referring to concerns over his campaign funding and personal debt. White's campaign only has about $10,000, according to federal filings. He directly addressed his debt during a speech at the conference.

“The debt that I have is because I wouldn't take the money,” he said, claiming his basketball career ended prematurely due to a conflict over mental care. 

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Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

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