Sunday, June 16, 2024

Polls Show Third-Party Candidates Sinking Biden In Swing States


Bad news for

A recent poll showed that independent candidates appear to be hurting President and boosting former President Donald Trump when on the ballot in four critical battleground states.

Trump's leads grow against Biden among likely voters in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan and North Carolina when Robert F. Kennedy Jr., independent Cornel West and Green Party candidate Jill Stein are on the ballot, according to The Cook Political Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group survey.

With Kennedy and the other third-party candidates included in the poll, Trump's margins grew from one to four points in ; from two to three points in ; from three to four points in and from seven to eight points in .

The poll found Kennedy notching 10% in Nevada, Arizona and Georgia; 7% in Pennsylvania and Michigan; 8% in North Carolina and 9% in Wisconsin.

The RealClearPolitics averages for each battleground state suggest Trump's leads grow against Biden when Kennedy, West and Stein are on the ballot in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia.

Trump lost Arizona, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Michigan last cycle after having won them all in 2016. Nevada voted Democratic in both cycles, while Trump secured North Carolina in 2016 and 2020.

READ NEXT: Ohio AG Warns Biden May Not Appear On State Ballot

Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson
Nancy grew up in the South where her passion for politics first began. After getting her BA in journalism from Ole Miss she became an arts and culture writer for Athens Magazine where she enjoyed reporting on the eclectic music and art scene in Athens, GA. However, her desire to report on issues and policies impacting everyday Americans won out and she packed her bags for Washington, DC. Now, she splits her time between the Nation’s Capital and Philadelphia where she covers the fast-paced environment of politics, business, and news. In her off time, you can find Nancy exploring museums or enjoying brunch with friends.

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