Bad news for team Biden…
A recent NBC News poll revealed just how unpopular the senior President is and it’s not pretty.
In addition to Biden’s disapproval rating rising to its highest point of his presidency, the poll also revealed the President’s popularity is slipping with critical voting blocs.
The Hill has more:
Biden’s disapproval rating ticked up to 56 percent, with 41 percent saying they approve. The survey also shows support for Biden slipping with voters aged 18-24, who reported a 46 percent approval rating; Latinos, who reported 43 percent; and independents — who will be key to deciding the general election — at 36 percent.
Trump was the first choice among national Republican primary voters at 59 percent, while Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis clocked in at only 16 percent, according to the poll. It also showed Republicans increasingly believing that Trump should remain the Republican Party’s leader at 58 percent, an increase from 49 percent in June.
Voters continue to see the 80-year-old Biden’s age as an issue, with 74 percent of voters saying they have major or moderate concerns that he doesn’t have the mental and physical capacity to be president, while 44 percent said the same of 77-year-old Trump.
Still, 1 in 5 voters who expressed concerns about Biden’s age said they would still vote for him over Trump. A hypothetical 2024 match-up in the poll shows Trump and Biden in a dead heat at 46 percent among registered voters. Biden held a 4 percent lead over Trump in the same poll in June.
Biden and his whole administration are the worse we have ever seen. Proof you should never vote democrat.
Seeing how they always just poll rabid Biden supporters………….
Those low numbers are really saying something!!!
Hidenbiden will not be running for election,the dumbocraps, know hidenbiden and harris, don’t have a chance against Trump, So they will try to run someone else like mikey obummer,which won’t make any difference, because she is hated as much as her traitor husband.This would be the best that could happen,dumbocrap commies have sold america out, and will themselves be annialated in the election,because there pure evil.
Biden’s “approval rating” is still at least twice as high as it _should_ be. Must be residual TDS…like COVID, it’ll never go away.