Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pentagon Rushing To Arm Taiwan As Likely China Attack Looms

FRIDAY PDB – Behind the scenes of the Pentagon’s race to aid in Taiwan’s defense. Last fall, during a House Armed Services Committee hearing, the...

Iranian Regime Thanks US College Students For Supporting Hamas

ANALYSIS – Useful Idiots? Or terrorist collaborators? Because the choice is that simple. For the majority of clueless brainwashed college students involved in the...

‘Misconduct’ – Was Democrat Judge ‘Planted’ On Trump Trials?

ANALYSIS – “Not random at all.” From the start of the ridiculous legal cases against former President Donald Trump, most reasonable people have seen...

Biden’s $320 Million, 12-Day Gaza Pier Fiasco Just Got Worse

ANALYSIS – The buck stops with Biden. As predicted, Joe Biden’s idiotic, hyper-costly, humanitarian pier in Gaza, has become a monumental disaster. Biden should...

Americans Trust Military Families More Than Any Other Group In US

WEDNESDAY PDB – Americans view military families more favorably than police, the presidency, media and military itself: Survey.  Around nine in 10 Americans, 90 percent, said...

Israel’s Gaza Refugee Camp ‘Massacre’ Caused By Hamas Bombs: Report

ANALYSIS – Anytime the media goes off about the latest Israel Defense Forces (IDF) "massacre" or "war crime" in Gaza, wait at least 24...

FBI Used Standard ‘Deadly Force’ Rules For Trump And Biden Raids

ANALYSIS – I must admit I was initially taken aback by claims that the FBI authorized the use of "deadly force" during its raid...

Leftist ‘Squad’ Members Don’t Know What Memorial Day Is

ANALYSIS – While it is sadly common for the regular public to confuse Memorial Day for Veterans Day, or have no idea what the...

How To Best Honor Our Fallen American Heroes

TUESDAY PDB – We need to do more to honor those who died for us. And their families. A lot more. On Memorial Day, let’s...

Violent Mexican Drug Cartels Expand To All 50 States Under Biden

ANALYSIS – South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has received a lot of flak for her book anecdote about killing her dog. She has also...

Media Hypes Fake Pro-Trump N. Korea ‘October Surprise’ Story

WEEKEND PDB – Democrats are pushing a fabricated narrative of foreign influence to help Donald Trump in the upcoming election. Are Russia and North Korea...

Democrats Trying To Ban Most Popular Handgun And Body Armor

ANALYSIS – Just when you thought your handguns were safe from gun-grabbing leftists thanks to the Supreme Court, Democrats in New York state have...

Leftist Violence At DNC Convention In Chicago Will Help Trump

ANALYSIS – History repeats itself. And hopefully it will help elect Donald Trump in the process. Echoing the disastrous 1968 Democratic National Convention (DNC)...

Elected GOP Leaders Warn Biden Not To Give WHO Power Over US

ANALYSIS – Joe Biden and his diabolical band of leftist globalists are pushing the world closer to world government. This time by ceding U.S....

