Thursday, April 25, 2024

2024 Candidates Don’t Differ Much In Approach To Government Intervention

Presidential campaigns are a kind of national referendum on the incumbent, his policies, and the general direction of the country. But the 2024 election is...

Mike Pence Warns Republicans While Conveniently Rewriting His Past

Former vice president and current GOP presidential candidate Mike Pence is back in The Wall Street Journal making the case that Republicans need to...

Despite Populists in Both Parties, Globalism is Alive – Barely

Globalization is out of fashion in politics, and there’s no near-term sign the practice will rise to its pre-COVID, pre-populist level again. But do global...

Democrat Frontrunner Leading Us Down the Road to Serfdom

It’s an iron law of politics: Candidates will say and do incredibly dumb things. Not all of these gaffes are fatal to a candidate’s...

