Thursday, June 27, 2024

Leftist Pro-Hamas Terrorism In US Is Just Beginning


ANALYSIS – Unholy alliance. The far-left's bizarre, yet predictable alliance with Islamists terror supporters in the U.S. is getting more brazen and dangerous by the day.

This is what happens when you claim America is actively complicit in genocide. If this is true – and no, it's not – then almost all means are justified.

And that includes arson, bombings and other forms of violence and . “Gaza Genocide” is the new Vietnam War and civil rights to these lefty fanatics. And the left produced a good share of domestic terrorists in the 1960s and 70s.

Today, it is especially toxic when the American left hates America, and Islamist terrorists want to kill us all, and has opened the border to every terrorist in the world to just walk in.

Some of the groups pushing these radical agendas have ties to the Cuban communists. Other organizers include the Young Democratic Socialists of America, which coordinated encampments at numerous U.S. universities.

First it was angry, sometimes violent , then it was university encampments, followed by violent takeovers of university buildings and vandalism of American hero statues.

There were also incursions into private homes and events, even taking over buses and demanding “Zionists” identify themselves. And throughout, vile “Death to America” and “Death to the Jews” chants were being heard.

Increasingly, local police have been brought in to break up the chaos. But things are likely to get much worse.

And now there are arson attacks at the University of , Berkeley.

Casey Robert Goonan, a 34-year-old man, was arrested Monday in connection to a series of firebombing incidents at the liberal university.

The Daily Caller reported:

These alleged acts of arson are connected to the firebombing of a “UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle and three other arson attacks on UC Berkeley campus during the month of June 2024,” the press release read. Prior to Goonan's arrest, online pro-Palestine accounts claimed credit for alleged acts of arson on the University of California, Berkeley in a statement Thursday.

It is not known whether Goonan was behind or connected to these online accounts. The pro-Palestine account claimed that the arson was done in response to the university allegedly mistreating a vocal female student who was speaking off a megaphone Wednesday and because the university did not divest from Israel.

They firebombed a building on campus but did not know what building it was, the statement claimed. “LONG LIVE THE STUDENT INTIFADA FOR PALESTINE LIBERATION … BLESSED IS THE FLAME,” the statement read. The group threatened that if the university did not sever supposed ties to Israel, the university would  “FACE OUR WRATH OF REVENGE.”

Another pro-Palestine account claimed in a statement Sunday that further acts of arson were allegedly done “in retaliation” to arrests and to punish the university “for supporting the genocidal zionist-Israel entity.”

“Call it mutual aid,” the group said in the statement.

The Daily Caller added:

The account dubbed these alleged acts as part of a larger operation called CAMPS FLOOD in the statement. The name of the operation is a possible play off of Al-Aqsa Flood, the name Hamas gave for its invasion of southern Israel on Oct. 7 that left around 1200 persons dead and captured over 200 persons.

Many of these crazies are professional leftist agitators, some will become terrorists. And behind them all are huge lefty organizations with mega bucks.

Some of the groups included George Soros's Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and others.

Earlier, Washington Examiner reporting showed the Tides Foundation, another major left-wing donor, was funding the Alliance for Global Justice, which has ties to Palestinian terrorist organizations. Tides also funds the Westchester People's Action Coalition, or WESPAC, the parent organization of Students for Justice in Palestine, one of the main campus agitators.

Meanwhile, your tax dollars are also hard at working funding these groups. Tides has reportedly received at least $81 million in federal funding since 2006.

The Washington Examiner reports: “Restoration News, a project of conservative Restoration of America PAC, connected the dots between encampments, national organizations pushing the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement, sympathetic faculty, and designated terrorist organizations.”

The outlet added:

“The astroturf movements have their roots in Big Philanthropy, the same leftist organizations that have funded anti-free speech demonstrations, incoherent riots in our cities, and cancel culture that attempts to remove ‘Wrongthink' from our society in the form of sponsor boycotts and protests at people's homes and places of business,” the organization said in the report, obtained by the Washington Examiner.

Many of the same groups behind other major disruptions, such as the 2020 riots following George Floyd's death and 2011's Occupy Wall Street movement, were also backing the encampments, the report said, with report author Jeffrey Reynolds calling them “anything but grassroots.”

“I found many organizers of the campus protests that had gone to places like Cuba, Lebanon, and to train in anti-American rhetoric and resistance tactics. Some are nonviolent, but many include violence and societal disruption,” Reynolds, senior investigative researcher for Restoration News, told the Washington Examiner. “America's adversaries have taken their fight to our streets. They're here to create fractures in American society. They're taking their cues from actual terrorist organizations in Gaza and other parts of the Middle East.”

So, yes, expect the unholy alliance between American Marxists and pro-Hamas terrorists to turn increasingly to terrorism in America.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo
Paul Crespo is the Managing Editor of American Liberty Defense News. As a Marine Corps officer, he led Marines, served aboard ships in the Pacific and jumped from helicopters and airplanes. He was also a military attaché with the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) at U.S. embassies worldwide. He later ran for office, taught political science, wrote for a major newspaper and had his own radio show. A graduate of Georgetown, London and Cambridge universities, he brings decades of experience and insight to the issues that most threaten our American liberty – at home and from abroad.


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