Feds Using New Terrorism Fears to Excuse Government Snooping

The Biden administration uses the January 6 attack on the Capitol Building as its justification for expanding the FBI’s footprint. The decision has significantly increased the number of agents assigned to “domestic terrorism investigations” and their caseloads—posing another round of government overreach in the name of national security. Reason.com’s Brian Doherty explains why FBI Director Christopher Wray’s […]

Police Surveillance Tools Advance as Public Kept in Dark

Police departments may be scouring your social media right now. Authorities across the country increasingly use bleeding-edge software that can track over 120 social media platforms and online databases to retrieve the digital bread crumbs we leave on the internet. Technological developments have slashed profiling work from months down to minutes. These breakthroughs were in […]

Biden Administration Bought Drones From Chinese Company Considered National Security Risk

The Federalist’s Shawn Fleetwood has a new report about outwardly mundane purchases of surveillance drones by law enforcement agencies under the Biden administration. The problem, according to the Pentagon, is that the Chinese manufacturer is considered a possible national security risk. The Secret Service purchased eight drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) on July 26. […]

Biden Blamed for Abuse Allegations Involving Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Things have gone from bad to worse for President Joe Biden. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and conservative government watchdog Judicial Watch condemned Biden today after documents from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) revealed alleged physical and sexual abuse of unaccompanied migrant children. Fox News reports on documents from HHS’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) […]

Trump Sues Niece, New York Times Over Pulitzer Prize-Winning Story

Donald Trump is suing his niece, The New York Times, and three reporters over an 18-month investigation into his finances. New York Times reporters David Barstow, Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner spearheaded the investigation with the help of Mary Trump. Trump’s suit claims that the trio “engaged in an insidious plot” to obtain “confidential tax […]