Bipartisan Effort Moves to Strengthen National Security Oversight

A bipartisan group of lawmakers has introduced legislation to strengthen congressional oversight of the president’s war powers. Reps. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) and Peter Meijer (R-Mich.) hope the National Security Reforms and Accountability Act will check the seemingly unilateral war powers of the Executive Branch. POLITICO’s Connor O’Brien reports: “Clearly, this is not the system of […]

Biden’s Family-Related Hires Continue With Latest Nomination

Donald Trump’s controversial decision to appoint family members to senior positions in his administration continues with Joe Biden’s tacit support for the troublesome tradition. Biden has appointed Jennifer Clyburn Reed, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn’s daughter, to lead a federal commission. Most observers believe Rep. Clyburn’s (D-S.C.) endorsement of Biden ahead of the South Carolina […]

Manchin and Sinema Imperil Biden Agenda Hours Before Vote

Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) have a number in mind that progressives won’t like. When it comes to the budget reconciliation bill, Manchin confirmed today that $1.5 trillion is his spending limit. The West Virginia Democrat told President Biden where he stood before making a public announcement. Sinema’s office followed up with […]

Democrats Look to Kamala Harris to Advert Midterm Disaster

As President Biden’s approval ratings fall and his administration falters, one senior official has defied the polls, Kamala Harris. The vice president admittedly got off to a rough start with rocky interviews that created headaches for the nascent administration. However, a recent Gallup poll gave her a 49% approval rating, six points higher than the […]