Study Finds Deaths by Police Severely Underreported

Four decades of data on police violence has found that law enforcement has miscategorized and undercounted more than 55% of police killings. That’s according to the government’s primary database. The findings, published in The Lancet, discovered that records underreported the deaths of black men in police custody more than any other demographic group. Overall, black […]

CNN Interviews School Boards Association President Demonizing All Concerned Parents

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) has formally asked the White House for “federal law enforcement” to deal with threats, intimidation and acts of violence. The NSBA’s letter requests that law enforcement agencies use controversial statutes like the Patriot Act to deter acts of “domestic terrorism” made against “school board members, district administrators and other […]

New Therapeutic Represents Quantum Leap in COVID Fight

Vaccines represented the initial breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19. For millions, they promised a return to normalcy. But even FDA approval didn’t convince everyone of their efficacy and safety. As the pandemic continues its slow burn, booster shots for all to prolong protective immunity are almost here. Not that it should come as too […]

Biden Asked to Use Domestic Terrorism Laws to Suppress School Board Activism

Squelching freedom of speech isn’t what democracy is all about. A new report from The Federalist says that will happen if the National School Boards Association (NSBA) gets its way. On Wednesday, the association asked the Biden administration to use domestic terrorism laws against concerned parents. They argued such measures were necessary to fight the […]