Video: 7 Times McAuliffe Confirmed He Thinks You Should Have No Say in Your Child’s Education

Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin’s campaign spokeswoman Macaulay Porter released the following statement regarding Terry McAuliffe’s new TV ad inwhich he laughably claims his comments about parents and schools are being taken “out of context.” “Two weeks before Election Day, Terry McAuliffe is struggling to save his campaign,” said Porter. “After 3 weeks of […]

Attorneys Accuse Kamala Harris of Illegal Collusion With Abortion Providers

A new lawsuit accuses Vice President Kamala Harris of a dangerous abuse of power. Lawyers for David Daleiden filed the suit on Wednesday. They say that Harris conspired with abortion providers to prosecute their client. The conspiracy allegedly originated from Daleiden’s recordings of Planned Parenthood officials reportedly discussing fetal tissue procurement. For its part, Planned […]

New Survey Reveals Where Americans Stand on Guns

The Pew Research Center has new data on Americans’ views on guns and gun violence. The numbers offer insight into the enduring legacy of the Second Amendment. They also reveal why the debate over the right to keep and bear arms isn’t going anywhere. SEE ALSO: Backdoor Gun Registry Included in Multi-Trillion Dollar Bill According […]

Unvaccinated Chicago Police Officers’ Jobs, Retirement Benefits Threatened

Sponsored Answer the Call – Support Our Police! Chicago is on track to have more murders this year than since 1996. A quarter-century ago, the crack cocaine epidemic caused the U.S. murder rate to skyrocket. A generation later, fewer police officers, social justice priorities funded by liberal billionaires and the ongoing fallout from last year’s […]