Unvaccinated Chicago Police Officers’ Jobs, Retirement Benefits Threatened

Sponsored Answer the Call – Support Our Police! Chicago is on track to have more murders this year than since 1996. A quarter-century ago, the crack cocaine epidemic caused the U.S. murder rate to skyrocket. A generation later, fewer police officers, social justice priorities funded by liberal billionaires and the ongoing fallout from last year’s […]

Virginia Democrat Refuses to Step Down Despite Felony Charges

Despite a 6-0 vote from his colleagues on the city council, Roanoke Councilman Robert Jeffrey Jr. (D) is refusing to take a leave of absence. Jeffrey’s stubbornness comes after authorities indicted the Democrat on two counts of felony embezzlement from a local nonprofit and two counts of felony obtaining money by false pretenses from Roanoke’s […]

McAuliffe Abruptly Shuts Down Interview, Tells Reporter Ask Better Questions

A new poll shows a dead heat in Virginia’s governor’s race. And it’s not the only one. Since the beginning of October, all but one survey included in RealClearPolitics’ polling data have shown Republican Glenn Youngkin gaining on Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe has no doubt taken notice, releasing defensive ads attempting to explain away his remarks […]

Report: Manchin Hints at Leaving Democratic Party

According to a new report by political journalist David Corn, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has had enough. Writing for the progressive magazine Mother Jones, Corn says that the West Virginia Democrat is privately admitting that he may leave the Democratic Party. Manchin will allegedly defect on the condition that Democrats don’t lower the cost of […]

Biden Administration Admits Inflation Will Only Get Worse, Blames Americans for Spending

The Biden administration is finally admitting what most Americans already know—inflation is here to stay. On Sunday, Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the issues causing inflation to skyrocket will “certainly” continue into next year. But his explanation for why prices continue to rise was bizarre and mostly false. SEE ALSO: Democrats Look to Kamala […]

McAuliffe Campaign Caught Rewriting History

While Terry McAuliffe is airing ads attempting to clarify his stance on parents’ voices in education (possibly a sign of dire internal polling), his campaign for governor has engaged in another controversial tactic. Their strategy: purchase Google ads, rewrite the original headlines on news articles and promote them in Google search results. As The Washington […]

Dan Bongino Clarifies Stance Against Radio Giant’s Vaccine Mandate

Talk radio host Dan Bongino has clarified his stance on Cumulus Media’s vaccine mandate for its employees. On Monday, Bongino threatened to quit his talk show. One day later, he added that his stance comes on behalf of Cumulus employees, citing the right to personal sovereignty. SEE ALSO: Hospital System Denying Organ Transplants for Almost […]

Biden’s Pick to Lead CBP Rejected Obama Admin’s Border Security Proposal

Tucson, Arizona’s Chief of Police Chris Magnus made headlines by opposing a proposal even supported at one point by the Obama administration to help secure the U.S.-Mexico border. Now, as President Biden’s nominee to lead U.S. Customs and Border Protection, it seems Magnus will push the Biden administration’s stance on border security further left. As […]

Committee Shoots Down Bannon’s Request to Postpone Criminal Referral Vote

UPDATE: The House committee investigating the U.S. Capitol attack voted unanimously on Tuesday night to hold Steve Bannon in contempt of Congress. Vice chair Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) claimed Bannon’s refusal to cooperate suggests then-President Trump was “personally involved” in planning the riot. “We will get to the bottom of that,” she added. Bannon contended that […]

Youngkin Calls Out McAuliffe After Dominion Bankrolls Fake Ads

Political outsider, successful business leader and Republican nominee for governor Glenn Youngkin’s campaign spokeswoman Macaulay Porter released the following statement after it was revealed that Dominion Energy has so far spent hundreds of thousands of dollars funding Accountability Virginia PAC, a deceptive political group airing false attack ads against Youngkin on behalf of Terry McAuliffe: […]

Report: Biden’s IRS Bank Rule Could Lead to Unprecedented Taxpayer Abuse

The Biden administration’s bank account reporting rule could be even worse than you realize. The requirement would force financial institutions to report their customers’ annual transactions above $600 to the IRS. Supporters argue that the proposal will allow the IRS to crack down on tax cheats. Moreover, they claim that raising revenue will pay for […]

Legal Scholar Argues White House’s McAuliffe Support Violates Federal Law

Vice President Kamala Harris recently recorded a message to be played in more than 300 black churches across the Commonwealth of Virginia, urging their congregations to vote for Terry McAuliffe. However, the Biden administration’s get out the vote strategy almost certainly violates the Johnson Amendment. The amendment ensures the tax-exempt status of houses of worship […]