Poll Shows Youngkin Leading Among Hispanic Voters by Ten

Democrats have a big problem with Latino voters. Despite coming up short in the 2020 presidential election, counties in South Texas and those making up the Miami metro area witnessed the biggest shift in vote share to President Trump. Trump even became the first Republican to win Zapata County, on the winding Rio Grande, since […]

GOP Disappointment With McConnell Rises After Debt Limit Misstep

Prominent Republicans are complaining Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) gave Democrats an out in the contentious debt ceiling debate. Their grumbling hasn’t subsided since McConnell revealed details of the deal to the Senate Republican Caucus. Insiders say that disappointment with their usually savvy leader was palpable. As The Hill reports: One GOP senator said […]

Proposal to Eliminate Police Department Has Minneapolis on Edge

Minneapolis residents could abolish their police department next month. Depending on the Nov. 2 vote for the proposed amendment, Republicans may find themselves laughing all the way to the ballot box in 2022. As many as three-quarters of black residents fear the dire consequences if the city decides to do away with its police department. […]

Hospital System Denying Organ Transplants for Almost All Unvaccinated

A Colorado-based hospital system confirmed it denies organ transplants to most patients who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 vaccine. The highly controversial policy uses immunization status to ration medical care. Doctors explained how unvaccinated patients are far more likely to die. That defense did little to stave off controversy from the unvaccinated. Yet, the University of […]

Report: Backdoor Gun Registry Included in Multi-Trillion Dollar Bill

President Biden’s reconciliation bill includes many controversial proposals that have struggled even to unify Democrats. One involves a plan to compel banks to monitor purchases above $600. Its proponents argue that bank account monitoring would help the IRS fight tax evasion. However, associations representing thousands of financial institutions have come out against the proposal. Collectively, […]

US Attorney General Accused of Using Federal Terror Authority to Protect Family Business Interests

Last week, the National School Boards Association (NSBA) asked the Biden administration to use laws to fight domestic terrorism to silence concerned parents. On Monday night, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland responded. Garland joined the NSBA’s cause, directing the FBI to work with the appropriate U.S. attorneys “to [address threats against school administrators, board members, […]

Invasion Fears Rise in Taiwan After Historic Chinese Incursion

Tensions continue to rise in the Taiwan Strait as China rapidly intensifies its military presence in Taiwanese airspace. The dramatic presence of scores of military aircraft represents the most daring incursion against Taiwan by China yet. Since the first of October, Chinese activity has strained Taiwan’s air defense system. On Monday alone, a record 56 […]

Facebook Experiences Massive Outage Day After Bombshell Report

Facebook and its subsidiaries Instagram and WhatsApp have experienced the most severe worldwide social media outage ever. The unprecedented blackout began yesterday, shortly before noon eastern time. The tech giant remained offline until late in the evening. The interruption came one day after a “60 Minutes” interview with former Facebook employee Frances Haugen and one […]

New York City’s Vaccine Passport Threatens to Leave African Americans Behind

The latest data on COVID-19 vaccinations shows New York City’s vaccine passport program could have dire consequences. The Big Apple began enforcing its vaccination pass in September. New Yorkers over 12 must prove that they’ve received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose for most indoor activities. These include going to restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, music […]

Fauci: ‘Too Soon to Tell’ if Americans Can Celebrate Christmas With Family

At what point does cautiousness become hypochondriasis? In an interview on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said it’s “too soon” to tell if people can celebrate Christmas with friends and family. WATCH: The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ director certainly knows that few people will heed his advice this holiday season. […]

Study Finds Deaths by Police Severely Underreported

Four decades of data on police violence has found that law enforcement has miscategorized and undercounted more than 55% of police killings. That’s according to the government’s primary database. The findings, published in The Lancet, discovered that records underreported the deaths of black men in police custody more than any other demographic group. Overall, black […]

CNN Interviews School Boards Association President Demonizing All Concerned Parents

The National School Boards Association (NSBA) has formally asked the White House for “federal law enforcement” to deal with threats, intimidation and acts of violence. The NSBA’s letter requests that law enforcement agencies use controversial statutes like the Patriot Act to deter acts of “domestic terrorism” made against “school board members, district administrators and other […]