The City Turned Upside Down

“The image of this supposed danger beset and tortured the minds of the people far more than the real and existing danger.” I keep coming back to 19th century author Alessandro Manzoni writing about the 17th century plague in Italy. From his book: The Bethrothed. Rumors started of unclean people spreading the plague: “The city, already […]

US State Department Bashes China’s Illegal and Coercive South China Sea Claims

In a follow-up to an identically titled research report from 2014, the U.S. State Department has produced a detailed new legal analysis bashing Communist China’s illegal vaguely-defined “nine-dash line” claims on the South China Sea. SEE ALSO: Putin’s Threat to Our Undersea Cables Could ‘Black Out’ the West and Cripple Society The new 47-page research paper, ‘Limits in the Seas,’ the […]

Next Generation Squad Weapon Being Made Available to Civilians, Too

Even if the U.S. Army doesn’t adopt Sig Sauer’s next generation squad weapon, a commercial version will be available to civilians soon. The Army has yet to pick a winning design to replace the classic M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and M4 Carbine with one rifle. But a decision is expected soon, and Sig Sauer […]

Republicans in DC Fight Back Against New COVID Rules

Congressional Republicans aren’t content to lie back as a new bout of COVID restrictions descends on the District of Columbia. (RELATED: It Begins? Suburban San Francisco Bans Large Gatherings) In response to the omicron variant, Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) announced that starting Saturday, proof of vaccination will be required to enter certain establishments. POLITICO […]

White House Accuses Russia of Sending Saboteurs Into Ukraine to Justify Invasion

The Biden administration claims to have evidence showing that Vladimir Putin sent saboteurs into Ukraine. According to the administration, the Russian government instructed the operatives to stage a false flag operation. Moscow would then use the false flag attack as an excuse to further invade Ukraine. Though the White House hasn’t released its evidence, one […]

Baltimore State’s Attorney Indicted on Federal Charges

Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby is facing multiple felony charges this morning. Prosecutors say the pugnacious Democrat falsely claimed to have suffered financial hardship during the pandemic. To cope with only making $250,000 per year, Mosby lied on federal loan applications to receive COVID relief. As a result, Mosby received $36,000, which she used to […]